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Metaphorical vocabulary of the English language is often problematic for EFL students both in receptive and productive skills. One possible way of overcoming this difficulty is conscious development of learning strategies, which aid comprehension and…
Author: Radić-Bojanić, Biljana

In Turkey, there is an area of 465.913 hectares which is subject to wind erosion. 103.000 hectares of this area is in the Karapınar district of Konya province. The Karapınar district of Konya faced the risk of emigration in the 1960s because of …
Author: Yildirim, Ali Ihsan Akay, Aysen

The First World Economic Crisis that started in 1929 and rapidly influenced all the countries around the world resulted in stagnation, common unemployment, increase in foreign trade deficits and consequent decrease in the level of welfare. The…
Author: KILIÇ, Ramazan

The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, formerly known as the Barcelona Process, was re-launched in 2008 as the Union for the Mediterranean at the Paris Summit for the Mediterranean in July. The Partnership now includes all 27 member states of the…
Author: BAL, Tufan ÇAKMAK, Metin ALBENİ, Mesut BERK, Ali

The integration process of Macedonia and Albania in the European Union continues to be a strategic priority of the country's political and economic goals, around which there is full unity of political, economic and civil aspects in the countries that…
Author: OSMANI, Rufi MAZLLAMI, Jeton

The French Revolution was preceded by a long intellectual and ideological preparation that was significantly marked by works of Jean Jacques Rousseau, especially by his Social contract. Hence, the Rousseau is one of many french thinkers whose…

According to the legend, the Schola salernitana was born by the casual meeting of four physicians, symbolic characters, whose dynamics and values aim to underline the confluence (in the civitas Hippocratica, cosmopolitan Mediterranean port, ‗open‘…
Author: Astori, Davide

At present, when within the same society, contacts between different cultures become more and more numerous, the space of the individual existence surpasses the traditional limits of the original forming, and socializing background, the…
Author: Sabo, Helena Maria

Energy sector has a great importance for producers and consumers. Energy sector has been found as a leading sector as a result at the input-output analysis. This analysis has been done by using input-output tables which are constructed by goverment…
Author: MERCAN, Mehmet ÖZDEMIR, Abdullah

Energy sector has a great importance for producers and consumers. Energy sector has been found as a leading sector as a result at the input-output analysis. This analysis has been done by using input-output tables which are constructed by goverment…
Author: MERCAN, Mehmet ÖZDEMIR, Abdullah
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