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The import, according to the board of Albania, isn’t high but also the trade out of country is increasing day by day so both these kind of trade have a large effect on economy of Albania. Total factor of productivity which is one of most effecting…
Author: NIKOLLI, Emirgena HODO, Mergleda

Globalization and integration are social phenomena that are used to describe the diffusion and connection of production, technology and communication throughout the world. When we talk about integration, one of the things that comes to our minds…
Author: ILGUN, Erkan BULJUBASIC, Elvisa

The objective of this paper is to investigate bilateral export flows and its determinants between European countries from 1964 to 1972 and from 1973 to 1998 to show how expectations affect the volume of international trade across European …
Author: NUROĞLU, Elif

Abstract: Marketers define their social media platform as an essential piece to reach their consumers. The flock of web users turning to social media to receive and convey their thoughts, opinions, and suggestions has made social media an integral…
Author: Turkyilmaz, Merve POTURAK, Mersid

Key words: Images, 'Turks', Shakespeare, Discourse Analysis ABSTRACT The communality of the problem of ‘adoption’ of the ideas and the surrounding notions in a piece of literature can be solved by teaching ‘discourse analysis’ whose fundamentals…
Author: CAKMAK, Alper

The paper touches upon the peculiarities of the so called “marine theme” in Romantic art as a whole, and its central image – the Flying Dutchman, in particular. The etymology of this image, as well its numerous literary interpretations make up the…
Author: Makarova, Inna S.

Gerard Manley Hopkins is a Victorian poet who became popular in the twentieth century, after the posthumous publication of his poems in 1918. He was born into an Anglo-Catholic family with artistic leanings, but during his university days he joined…
Author: Tica, Dijana

Energy sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the few which has got a prospect for a potential of economic development in the country. Currently, electricity is one of the items for export in the country which can be regarded as a strategic…
Author: DIRIM ÖZKAN, Özgür

In recent decades, the modernism and modern socio-political analysis has been subjected to criticism in many respects. The ideas of the global, post-modern and post-industrial societies attempted to legimitize themselves over the criticism of the…
Author: Hüsamettin, İnaç

This study explores the productivity of Taiwan’s freeway bus service (FBS) industry in response to competition from the Taiwan High-Speed Rail (THSR). We employ the Malmquist index to investigate the productivity of Taiwan’s FBS industry and apply…
Author: Chen, Chih Cheng
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