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Customer analysis is crucial phase for companies in order to create new campaign for their existing customers. If a company can understand customer features and make efforts to fulfill their wants and provide friendly service then the customer will…
Author: Örnek, Özgür Subasi, Abdulhamit

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is a co-integration amongst (3) three Balkan countries; Bosnia Herzegovina, Macedonia and Turkey in relation to the German stock market (important for the Europe scale). For this…
Author: SAHIN, Cumhur

Key words:tenses, adverbs, transfer, spontaneous speech ABSTRACT This study examines the co-occurrence of tenses and the accompanied adverbs by L1 Macedonian, Albanian and English students at the South European University, Macedonia. An additional…
Author: MIRTOSKA, Jasmina

Anahtar Kelimeler: çocuk edebiyatı, karakter, özdeşim, Ayla Kutlu. ÖZET Platon’dan günümüze sanatın ana işlevinin izleyende/alımlayanda katharsis (arınma) oluşturmak olduğu kabul edilmiştir. Katharsis büyük ölçüde alımlayanın tahkiyenin…
Author: KARATAŞ, Evren

Çocuk ve tiyatro kavramlarının birleştirilmesi, çocukların tiyatro ile ilgilenmeleri ve çocukların tiyatro aracılığıyla eğitilebilmeleri düşüncesi ilk defa Meşrutiyet döneminde ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu dönemin günümüze yönelik izleri takip edildiğinde…
Author: KARAKUŞ, Tuğba Nur ÖZUYGUN, Ali Rıza

Toplumlar da fert fert insanlar gibi ortaya çıkışlarını, hayat maceralarını, var oluş mücadelelerini, eşik dönemlerini, mutluluklarını, parlak sayfalarını bir sonraki nesle aktarma ihtiyacı içindedir. Tarih’in henüz bir bilim olma iddiasına…
Author: CEYHAN, Nesîme

Key words: code switching, language loss, dialect, language shift, morphosyntactic ABSTRACT In the language shift situation, a dominant language is acquired perfectly. While the minority language is used less and less and is gradually forgotten.…
Author: ASGHARI, Vahid NAJAFI, Hamid Reza

This article is dedicated to the application of cognitive lingua-cultural aspects in training future translators to come over the problems emerge form especially cognitive and cultural differences of different origin societies. The essences of…
Author: Doganay, Yakup

This article deals with the peculiarities of mechanisms providing formation of semantics of compound words from the perspective of the cognitive approach. More to the point, it is a question of conceptual derivation, where meaning formation of…
Author: Safarov, Shahriyor Akbarov, Azamat

Language makes it possible to use and understand complex language structures and cognitive mechanisms describing our reality. Scientists have made a number of attempts at understanding and using these conceptual mechanisms for various purposes.…
Author: Mustafić , Almir
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