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The paper explores the basic principles of the Ancient Greek curriculum as a theoretical-methodological seminar of the Language, Literature, and Culture program at University of Belgrade (Faculty of Philology). At the Department for Modern Greek…
Author: Jovanovic, Milena

Der Abschnitt des THGB über die Aktiengesellschaft wurde unter Berücksichtigung der EU-Richtlinien über die Gesellschaften neu geschrieben.1 Die Neuerungen kann man in zwei Kategorien unterteilen: Zum einen handelt es sich um Änderungen…
Author: SAHIN, Adem

Ted Hughes in his essay “Poetry in the Making” states that poems are a “mysterious they” which present the reader with a special knowledge that “we are very curious to learn”. Poetry, in this respect, should continue its existence whether or not it…
Author: Gonel , Tuba Dayton, John

The change in trading volume and returns and the dysfunction of the economy and more specifically of financial markets has been increasingly attracting attention of researchers, analysts, practitioners, institutions as well as government…
Author: DHAOUI, Abderrazak

Bu çalıĢmanın amacı; dilin anlam çerçevesinde yadsınamaz bir yeri olan çağrıĢımın, anlambilim içerisindeki yeri ve ônemini ortaya koyarak dili kullanan bireylerin kelimelerin farklı anlamlarını daha iyi kavramalarını, temel anlam dıĢındaki…
Author: Erden, Nazife Burcu

Anonim şirketler çoğunluk ilkesine göre yönetilirler1. Pay sahiplerinin veya temsilcilerinin katılımı ile oluşan ve anonim ortaklığın iradesini temsil eden genel kurulda alınan kararlar toplantıya katılsın ya da katılmasın tüm ortakları, organları…
Author: ÇELIKTAŞ, İlyas

Anahtar Kelimeler: Antakya, Türkü, Sallangaç, Sallangaç Türküleri. ÖZET Bildiriye öncelikle bir giriş bölümüyle başlanılnış; bu bölümde türkü kavramından, Hatay türkülerinden ve sallangaç kavramından söz edilmiştir. Sonrasında salıncak ya da…
Author: ARI, Bülent

Convention tourism is a type of alternative tourism consisting of the total of activities which emerge as a result of the organization of meetings. Individuals convene in line with the developments in science and technology and the increasing need…
Author: Gonca, Manap Davras

It is the general opinion that translation of literary works should be transparent and in the spirit of the original. The same applies for translation of personal names as one of particularities of a literary work. In addition to identifying…
Author: Vidiček, Biljana

Evolution of the globalization process is closely connected with a separation of free-standing and independent macro-regions of North America, Asia-Pacific and Europe. Despite their narrow and intense mutual economic and political contacts in the…
Author: ALEXEJ, Sato
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