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Türklerin metinlerle belgelenebilen tarihte kullandıkları ilk alfabe Köktürk işaretleridir. Köktürklerin Ötükendeki hâkimiyetleri sona erdikten sonra, Uygurlar döneminde farklı dinleri kabul eden Türk toplulukları tarafından Mani, Soğut, Uygur,…
Author: KARTALCIK, Vedat

Corporate governance is the system by which business corporations are directed and controlled. This concept is getting more attention in the recent years after many corporation scandals and financial crises. But it has many benefits to companies…
Author: KARAYEL, Mete SAYLI, Halil GÖRMÜS, Alparslan Sahin

In contemporary economic world, financial markets in general and stock markets in particular play a vital role in financing the investments and to extent credit to the entrepreneurs. This fact has opened a new avenue of research into the…
Author: KARAGÖZ, Kadir ERGÜN, Suzan KARAGÖZ, Murat

Global warming and global problems caused by global warming is one of the most discussed issues in all over the world. Beside consumers accepting this problem as a serious threat, there are consumers who are insensitive and don’t perceive it as a…
Author: KARACA, Yusuf KANDEMiR, Tuğrul

Since the ultimate object of the assessment and the evaluation in foreign language is the communication competence, it remains custom to determine the parameters and the performance criteria of the foreign language users. However, the multiple…
Author: KARA, Seref Karakuzu, Melih

The use of games in teaching of foreign languages is that students learn the foreign languages easier, the students enjoy this method, they participate classes with love and willingly and the stuff that they learn seams to be much more permanent.…
Author: KARA, Mehmet

The concept of sustainable development is about ensuring that the costs of onegeneration’s activities do not compromise the opportunities of future generations. It stresses the long term compatibility of the economic, social and environmental…
Author: IŞIK, Hayriye

Fifteen narbon vetch (Vicia narbonensis L.) lines obtained from ICARDA were used in this study. The highest seed yield (1163 kg/ha) was obtained by the line 2390, the lowest seed yield was obtained (1110 kg/ha) by the line 2561. As an average, the…
Author: Iptas, Selahattin Karadag, Yasar

The achievement of sustainable development—combining economic development, social development, and environmental protection—is a key challenge facing the international community. To this end, progress will beneeded in a number of different policy …
Author: ISIK, Abdulkadir

Natural water resources had been threaten by increase of temperature due to global warming and not proper usage of them this causing health problems both for human and aquatic environment. Therefore new studies have been forced in the…
Author: HİSAR, Sükriye Aras HİSAR, Olcay ARAS, Sıtkı SÖNMEZ, Adem Yavuz ALAK, Gonca
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