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Servant leadership is an increasingly popular concept in the repertoire of leadership styles. The concepts of servant leadership appear to underlie most of current literature on leadership theory and management practice. When viewed in a historical…

Level of pistillate flower abscission (PFA) in Turkish walnut cultivars was investigated in this study. Emasculated and bagged female flowers were pollinated with 5%, 50% and 100% pollen concentrations at receptivity. Control flowers left for open …
Author: Gün, Ayse Erdoğan, Veli Akçay, M. Emin Fidanci, Ayse Tosun, İsmail

People have to sacrifice from their budget in order to provide their personal sustainable development. This causes to decrease their life standards. However the institutions of the people used to cover this shortcoming with in-service training.…
Author: Gümüstekin, Gülten

Bananas have been cultivated economically for a long time in subtropical regions of Turkey where production and productivity per hectare have significantly increased due to the adoption of protected cultivation. Protected cultivation of banana…
Author: Gübbük, Hamide

The African’s New World experience was very traumatic in many ways. The forced immigration and the process of dehumanization and humiliation of African people contributed to their sense of unbelongling and inferiority besides the economic wealth…
Author: Gönel, Tuba

It is very important problem objectively determining districts which will become province. It will be appropriate to use AHP to search an efficient solution to this problem. In this study. In this study, AHP is used to determine priority ranking of…
Author: GÜNGÖR, İbrahim BAKAN, Hakan AKSU, Muharrem KİREMİTCİ, Serap GÖKSU, Ali

Until very recently most research relating environmental quality and aquaculture was limited to assessment of environmental conditions necessary for culture. Emphasis was placed on dissolved oxygen requirement of the culture fish or the maximum…
Author: GÜNER, Yusuf TÜRKMEN, Gürel

This article analyzes economy and investment opportunities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) in between 1995 and 2009. FBiH and Turkey have an established cultural, social and diplomatic relations. Historical common bonds are regional realities but…
Author: GÜNDOĞAN, Mete ÇETİNER, B. Gültekin

The aim of the present study is to determine the problem solving skills of freshmen students studying in the department of primary school mathematics education. The research sample of the study is composed of 182 freshmen students from the…
Author: GÜLER, Gürsel ÇİLTAS, Alper KAR, Tuğrul

The aim of the present research is to determine the opinions of prospective mathematics teachers about proving. The research sample of the study is composed of 151 prospective teachers who study in the third (n= 75) and fourth grades (n= 76) in…
Author: GÜLER, Gürsel
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