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Toplum hayatını en çok etkileyen mevsimlerden biri olan baharın gelişi, tüm dünyada yapılan değişik törenlerle coşkulu bir biçimde kutlanır. Türklerde de baharın gelişi bir bayram kabul edilir ve bu bağlamda ilk akla gelen Nevruz Bayramı’dır. …
Author: DİKMEN, Melek ÇETİN, Kamile

Literature review shows that articles focusing on information sources used by farmers growing pulses are limited. Although farmers lack technical knowledge related to cultivation of pulses, they do not benefit from extension staff at enough level.…
Author: Düzdemir, Oral Sayılı, Murat Akca, Hasan

The South-West Development Region is exposed to several climatic hazards with major impact upon the environment. The paper emphasizes the occurrence and the amplitude of the hazard phenomena characteristic of the warm semester of the year within…
Author: Dragotă, Carmen-Sofia Grigorescu, Ines Dumitrascu, Monica Dumitrascu, Costin

The rapid population growth, extreme and unplanned consumption, in line with technological developments, cause intensive pressure upon natural sources. Likewise, the human values that have a global importance due to historical and cultural features…
Author: Doğanay, Serkan Alım, Mete ALTAS, Namık Tanfer

We are living in an age of science. In this age, individuals, families and societies solve the problems they encounter under the guidance of science. For this reason, science is a concept that gets more and more important each day for individuals,…
Author: DUYMAZ, Recep

The objective of this study is te examine the relationship between employees’ perceptions for workplace mobbing and job satisfaction by an applied research in a wheel manufacturer firm. A survey questionnaire was designed and used in this study. A…
Author: DOĞAN, Hulusi DOĞAN, ilknur

The paper tries to underline the evolution of the Romanian and Japanese educational systems which, irrespective time and space, have to evolute so that the new generations may adapt to the global changes. Education can be a driving force for human…
Author: DIRLOMAN, Gabriela PIRVU, Sorina GHEORGHE, Manuela

In this study it was aimed to analyze dysfunctional attitudes of teachers from the aspect of variables of gender, marital status, institution they teach or work for, service period, status of receiving inservice training, the settlement they’ve…
Author: DILEKMEN, Mücahit ADA, Şükrü ALVER, Birol KILIC, Durmuş

Organizational change is one of the enduring issues in the study of public administration. There are four types of organizational change: Products and services, strategy and structure, culture, and technology. Strategy and structure changes are …
Author: DEMiRCiOĞLU, Mehmet Akif

Empire-wide historical developments of the early modern period have long been interesting subjects of discussion among historians and various attempts have been made to explain both the nature and the reasons for the developments which occurred in…
Author: DEMiRCi, Süleyman
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