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The objective of the present research is to investigate the impact of social entrepreneurship on developing countries. Based on the reviewed literature, the concept of social entrepreneurship was examined, and case studies from Turkey and…
Author: GÖZÜ, Cüneyt FALBE, Cecilia M. AKTAN, Mehmet

The significance and protection of the biological diversity in the continental waters of countries in the world has become one of the concerns which should be addressed as a matter of urgency. The scientists consistently underline the fact that…
Author: Guner, Yusuf Can, Erkan Kayim, Murathan Turkmen, Gurel Canyurt, Mehmet Ali

Real world outsourcing decisions are very seldom based on a sound trade-off of risks, costs that these risks impose and benefits. The present paper attempts to overcome some of these shortcomings by developing an informal process. Dividing the…
Author: GOEHLICH, Robert A.

The existence of close relationship between ecology and economics was rediscovered in last quarter of the 20th Century. Consequently, calls for the implementation of a sustainable development model have increased both at the international and…
Author: FiSNE, Mustafa

Today, the use of digital videos instead of analog ones has become most popular in terms of their easy recordability and low-cost storage. Hence, huge amount of digital video archives have come out dramatically. The meaningful search in a video has…
Author: Eskikurt, Halil Ibrahim Boru, Barıs

Classroom discourse and language assessment, and at this paper has been interest in Turkish as a lingua franca. As well as examining how language develops inside and outside the classroom, article is about commonly teacher education, knowledge and…
Author: Eroğlu, Mehmet A.

This study was conducted to determine effect of climate change (temperature and rainfall) on the amount of ınput uses such as fertilizer, pesticide, animal manure, family labour, paid labour and machine by selected farmer’s.The minumum usable…
Author: Erkan, Onur Oğuz, Cennet Kan, Arzu Gültekin, Ufuk

The thin layer drying behavior of Viscum album L. (mistletoe) leaves was investigated in UV combined convective drier. Drying air temperatures and velocities were selected as 60-70 and 80OC, and 0.5-1 and 1.5m/s respectively. Drying curves obtained…
Author: Erentürk, Saliha Köse, Bircan

Applications of artificial intelligence techniques, such as artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms and neural-fuzzy systems, in engineering have gained momentum in past decade. Main applications of these techniques in…
Author: Erenturk, Koksal
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