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Key words: Teaching Numerals, Business, L1interference ABSTRACT A queer incident happened at an Arab airport. The immigration officer detected an anomaly in the documents of a minor child. While the passport of the minor indicated that she was born…
Author: KHAN, Mohamed Fazlulla

It is generally argued that Turkey seems to be different geographically, culturally, politically and economically from the EU. Transformation of Turkey towards the Europe in these terms requires overcoming a broad range of the obstacles and…
Author: TEKİN, Yusuf KAR, Muhsin AKGÜN, Birol AĞIR, Hüseyin ÖZ, Bülent

Key words: motivation, IT, teaching methodology, creativity in class ABSTRACT Nature of communication of young people requires new communication roles of teachers and pupils/students in today’s classroom. New technologies, social networks and…
Author: CUMURIJA, Edina Špago SPAGO, Džemal Špago MASLO, Adi

This study aims to provide an understanding towards the question “Who is English Language Teacher?” which may sound very simple to answer when it is heard for the first time, but in reality it is NOT so simple. “Education” covering many concepts…
Author: KADUSIC, Kenan

Language makes it possible to use and understand complex language structures and cognitive mechanisms describing our reality. Scientists have made a number of attempts at understanding and using these conceptual mechanisms for various purposes.…
Author: MUSTAFIC, Almir STUHLI, Jasmina

Teachers of second language, to be most effective, should be aware of who their students really are. It means that teachers must comprehend diversities among their students in many individual characteristics, such as age, self-esteem, motivation…
Author: BURGUCU, Assiye HAN, Turgay ENGİN, Ali Osman KAYA, M. Dursun

The Villa Savoye was the culmination of many years of design, and the basis for much of Le Corbusier's later architecture. The plan of the building is square; one of the ideal shapes which the architects so admired. Within this strict geometry,…
Author: HASANOVIC, Mustafa

Real Estate Finance or mortgage finance is more popular economic issue around the World and Turkey. Real estate markets are more productive markets than other markets. This market energize nearly 200 other main and submain sector. Because of that,…
Author: BiRGiLi, Erhan GÜMÜS, Fatih AKAYTAY, Ali

Key words: violence, superficial, realism, gothic, parody ABSTRACT This study aims at presenting a chronological view on Joyce Carol Oates's fiction, and thus its variation and evolution. The title of the paper springs from one of the most…
Author: KUSHTA, Entela

Practically billions of users are using a wide selection of so called "social networks" which serve as a meeting point for individuals, groups etc. Recently, more and more people join multiple social networks on World Wide Web, such as Facebook,…
Author: OZKAN, Amet Murat
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