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With over 8300 km of coastline and 25 million square hectares of useably sea, Turkey has particularly bright future in aquaculture. Interest has centred on two major species sea bream, sea bass, Those are most favourable have been the Aegean and…
Author: TOKSEN, Erol TANRIKUL, T. Tansel BALTA, Fikri KOYUNCU, Erkin

Fin fish the primary source of production for humans in many part of world and this is especially true in most developing countries. Aquaculture is one of the increasingly developing industry. But fish diseases have become increasingly visible…

It is generally argued that Turkey seems to be different geographically, culturally, politically and economically from the EU. Transformation of Turkey towards the Europe in these terms requires overcoming a broad range of the obstacles and…
Author: TEKİN, Yusuf KAR, Muhsin AKGÜN, Birol AĞIR, Hüseyin ÖZ, Bülent

The trust factor is an important topic for all companies. It is important especially in order to provide the loyalty of employee and high motivation. In that study being experimented the trust factors impacts on the gender apartheid in the …
Author: TAŞÇIOĞLU, Hümeyra

According to the theory of ―Political Business Cycles (PBC)‖, politicians prefer to pursue opportunistic policies in order to increase their chance of election. For this reason, they apply expansionary policies before the elections. Hence, they…
Author: TARI, Recep ÖZKAN, Filiz

Tale, which has been the subject of research studies in Bosnia-Herzegovina and around the world, is a type of oral narrative which doesn’t have to be plausible, yet may make the reader believe in its plausibility; based on morality, useful and…
Author: Sümbüllü, Yusuf Ziya

Interest in the control of pollution entering into waterways has risen significantly since the last quarter of 20th Century and golf course developments have been identified as areas that use some of the chemical pollutants found in these…
Author: Seçkin, Yasin Çağatay

The guild system in Ottoman State maintain its vitality as an economic and social system until nineteenth century. The masters and apprentices who construct guild system lost their chances of economic entegration to the new system brought by…
Author: Seker, Kadir

The argument for using music in educational context has been debated for years. The literature in this field is mostly based on anecdotal stories and the researchers mostly base their studies using the other disciplines such as psychology and…
Author: Sağlam, Emine Buket KAYAOĞLU, Mustafa Naci

MAC protocols have direct control over radio which is the most energy consuming part of a wireless sensor node. TDMA based WSN MAC protocols are more energy-efficient than contention based counterparts. However, classical TDMA based protocols are…
Author: Sazak, Nukhet Erturk, Ismail ÇAKIROGLU, Murat Köklükaya, Etem
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