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Difficulties in learning a second language (L2) may arise when a first-language (L1) speaker attempts to directly transfer a syntactic pattern from L1 into L2. Since there is a very high overlap in verb valency between Croatian and Russian, the…
Author: Brač, Ivana Drljač Magić, Sanja

Abstract: The development of international trade led to the necessity of equalizing the legal mechanisms for regulating legal relations, arising from international trade transactions. Increasingly important role of international trade questions…
Author: Brnabić, Ratko

Abstract: One of the forms of international cooperation among States in fighting against criminality is to provide for mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. International criminal justice assistance includes a set of different actions and…
Author: Bubalović, Tadija

Iako u skoro svim savremenim zakonodavstvima usvojenje prevashodno služi za obezbjeđivanje porodičnopravne zaštite djetetu bez odgovarajućeg roditeljskog staranja, nerijetko se dešava da se usvojenje koristi kao način pronalaska djeteta bračnim…
Author: CERANIĆ, Dimitrije

Once a person sets a goal of studying the culture of some country or even of teaching it to foreign students in classrooms, he/she cannot manage without taking into account its reflection in the languages. it is the language that fixes all…
Author: Chanturidze, Yulia

Abstract: This paper analyses the net trade credit and its determinants for a sample of 25 non-financial firms for the period 2011-2013. The sample is derived from the Macedonian Stock Exchange. The net trade credit is the dependent variable. The…
Author: DEARI, Fitim

Izdržavanje djeteta predstavlja svakodnevno, kontinurano zadovoljenje osnovnih životnih, obrazovnih i drugih potreba djeteta. Neizvršenje ili nepotpuno izvršenje obaveze izdržavanja dovodi do prekida ovog kontinuiteta zbog čega se zaštita ugroženog…
Author: DEMIROVIĆ, Ramajana

Abstract: In this paper, we examine the impact of investor psychological state on their trading volume for the US stock market using a VECM model for the period from July 1987 to May 2014. We propose alternative specifications for investors’…
Author: DHAOUI, Abderrazak

Autorica u radu, nakon što ukazuju na značaj kvalitetne međunarodne pravosudne suradnje, analizira akte na snazi u Bosni i Hercegovini koji su nastali kao rezultat te suradnje, a kojima je uređena oblast ostvarivanja izdržavanja u prekograničnim…
Author: DURAKOVIĆ, Anita

Abstract: Significant efforts were taken in BiH in the adoption of legislation guarantying the rule of law and human rights. In the framework of this activity the Law on Freedom of Access to Information and the Law on Personal Data Protection were…
Author: Dzumhur, Jasminka
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