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The Republic of Macedonia has since its independence made great progress in terms of economic reform and social development; prompted often by the county’s aspiration to become part of the European Union. However, in spite of these advances, weak…
Author: RAKIPI, Remzije SYLA, Shpresa

With over 8300 km of coastline and 25 million square hectares of useably sea, Turkey has particularly bright future in aquaculture. Interest has centred on two major species sea bream, sea bass, Those are most favourable have been the Aegean and…
Author: TOKSEN, Erol TANRIKUL, T. Tansel BALTA, Fikri KOYUNCU, Erkin

An experimental study was conducted to investigate physico-mechanical properties of travertines being quarried in western Turkey as construction and buildings material. Four common type of travertine, one of the most common construction materials …
Author: YAĞIZ, Saffet

An experimental study was conducted to investigate physico-mechanical properties of travertines being quarried in western Turkey as construction and buildings material. Four common type of travertine, one of the most common construction materials …
Author: YAĞIZ, Saffet

Tranziciona pravda je termin koji označava različite načine postupanja prema prošlim kršenjima ljudskih prava u društvima u tranziciji, a koji dovode do postkonfliktnog pomirenja u društvu. Ne podrazumijeva samo suđenja osobama koje su prekršile…
Author: ŠKRBIĆ, Ajla

Abstract: In the area of European contract law legal area most affected by the process of harmonization, and consequently the process of revision is the area of consumer protection. Because in the last few decades most intense legislative activity…
Author: Petrović, Anita

The transportation as a system is an important component of social and economy sustainable development. Sustainable development of transportation requires consideration, not only its own economic results, but also positive and negative effects of…
Author: Kulović, Mirsad

The increasingly interdisciplinary nature of translation studies has multiplied theories of translation. A shared interest in a topic, however, is no guarantee that what is acceptable as a theory in one field or approach will satisfy the …
Author: KRLICEVIC, Samra

Key words: translation, SLT, skopos, cultureme, meme ABSTRACT In line with the findings of authors such as Cook (2010), Widdowson (2003), Malmkjær (1998), who have advocated integrating translation in second language teaching (SLT), the paper…
Author: KOCBEK, Alenka

Abstract: Since the area presenting former Yugoslavia has no mandatory Romani langauge classes and consequently no offically recognized translation classes, nor does it provide training for Romani translators, this paper deals with the experience and…
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