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Idioms are groups of words in a proper order that have a specific meaning bearing difference from the meanings and connotations of each word understood on its own. They are crucial elements of a language and it is difficult to imagine a language…
Author: Huyuk, Nazife Akbarov, Azamat

Key words: types of languages, ability, learning, acquisition ABSTRACT In topological classification of languages linguists use to divide them in five main types: isolating languages (analytical or root languages), agglutinating languages,…
Author: JEFTIĆ, Alma DRAGANOVIC, Velid

In this paper we present a two level description of Tatar Language. Tatar is a Turkic language and the official language of Tataristan. It is spoken by millions of people mostly in the world. We describe the Tatar orthography using two level rules…
Author: Gökgöz, Ercan Kurt, Atakan Kulamshaev, Kalmamat Kara, Mehmet

Koskemnieni‘s two-level model has received a lot attention in modeling morphology. In this paper we present an ongoing study on a comprehensive two-level description of Kazakh morphology. Our description is implemented using the morphological…
Author: Zafer, Harun Rešit Tilki, Birol Kurt, Atakan Kara, Mehmet

This paper will argue for the benefits and prosperity of native/native instructors as defined by Medgyes. I add that instructors with the knowledge and ability to utilize, for learning purposes, the language, culture, and religion of L1 students as…
Author: Ozturk, Nursel

Theatre does not only provide people with mere entertainment but also throughout history it has functioned as an effective instrument through which those in power impose their policies or playwrights vigorously criticize these policies. In this…
Author: Müftüoğlu, Nilgün

Abstract: This study re-examines the long run relationship between the budget and current account deficits in an oil-dependent open economy like Nigeria using a multivariate Granger causality test within the VECM framework. This result confirmed the…
Author: Amaghionyeodiwe, Lloyd Ahamefule Opeyemi, Akinyemi

Abstract: Uncertainty is rapidly increasing in fast-changing world. With each moment we are faced with various crisis and uncertainties. Today, crises have become an important part of our lives. It is same for the organizations. That is why…
Author: Tok, Mustafa Atay, Erhan

Anahtar Kelimeler: Türk Edebiyatı, Süreli Yayın, Dergi, Bosna Şiiri. ÖZET Bosna Savaşı, Bosna-Herek’te 1 Mart 1992 tarihinden 14 Aralık 1995 tarihine kadar sürmüş olan bir savaştır. Farklı bir coğrafyada meydana gelen ama aynı kültür coğrafyasında…
Author: KARA, Kürşad

Yabancı dil edinimi son yıllarda sıkça tartışılan bir konu olmuştur. Toplum olarak yabancı dil öğrenimine yönelik ön yargılarımızın olduğu bir gerçektir. Bu ön yargılardan kurtulma adına neler yapılabilir? Bir yabancı dil en sağlıklı biçimde nasıl…
Author: Arslan, Mustafa
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