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ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacını, Bosna Hersek’te yabancı dil olarak öğretilen Türkçenin yazma etkinliği bakımından incelenmesi ve bu etkinliklere öğrencilerin bakışı oluşturmaktadır. Birey dili kullandığı ölçüde öğrenir. Dil öğretiminde dili kullanma…
Author: Ozalp, Kadir

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to examine entrepreneurial intentions among business students in state universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Theoretic base for The Model of Entrepreneurial Intentions in this research is Theory of planned…
Author: Pasic Mesihovic, Azra Sestic, Munira

Abstract: Paper is intended to provide an expert view on the approach to transformation of business processes toward business sustainability, or sustainable business processes, with a focus on ecological thinking. Furthermore, it highlights the…
Author: Pekmez, Zana

In humans, there are two types of gene that are expressed in skeletal muscle: α-actinin-2 (ACTN2) and α-actinin-3 (ACTN3). One of the important genes involved in sport genetics is ACTN3 gene encodes α-actinin-3, an actin binding protein which is one…
Author: Pelivani, Sanela

Sažetak: Predmet rada je način rješavanja privatnopravnih odnosa sa međuentiteskim elementom u statusnim i nasljednim odnosima u pravu Bosne i Hercegovine. Radi se o materiji međunarodnog privatnog prava iako se odlučuje o interlokalnom sukobu…
Author: Poljić, Adis

Abstract: The Republic of Macedonia has since its independence made great progress in terms of economic reform and social development; prompted often by the county’s aspiration to become part of the European Union. However, in spite of these…
Author: Rakipi, Remzije Syla, Shpressa

Sažetak: U ovom članku istražuju se problemi sudske kontrole zakonitosti podzakonskih akata institucija BiH. Polazeći od stava da se načelo vladavine prava, između ostalog, ostvaruje sveobuhvatnom sudskom kontrolom zakonitosti podzakonskih akata…
Author: Raščević, Živorad

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is a co-integration amongst (3) three Balkan countries; Bosnia Herzegovina, Macedonia and Turkey in relation to the German stock market (important for the Europe scale). For this…
Author: SAHIN, Cumhur

Abstract: Social media is forming an increasingly central part of how companies communicate their marketing strategies to their customers. Online communities carry a strong and influential voice, and there is much to be gained from engaging…
Author: SOFTIC, Sumeja POTURAK, Mersid

Özet Yabancýlara Türkçe öđretimi gün geçtikçe artarak devam etmektedir.Yabancýlara Türkçe öđretiminde üzerinde durulmasý gerekli konulardan biri de kelime öđretimidir. Yabancýlara Türkçe öđretimi yapabilmek için dili öđrenen kiţiye, ders içinde…
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