Individual and Organizational Fit: It’s Impact on Turkish Academic Staff

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Individual and Organizational Fit: It’s Impact on Turkish Academic Staff


iPLiK, Fatma Nur
KILIÇ, Kemal Can


Achieving congruence between the values of the employee and the organization which often is called person-organization (P-O) fit that has gaining a growing interest in the organizational behavior field in recent years is the main theme of this article. Researches about P-O fit (O’Reilly & Chatman 1986; Lauver & Kristof-Brown 2001; Cable & DeRue 2002; Sekiguchi 2004; Hoffman & Woehr 2006; Nelson & Billsberry 2007) revealed that a high level of congruence has a positive impact on job attitudes of individuals and creates a number of positive outcomes for organizations. P-O fit that affects the degree to which an individual is liked by co-workers, supervisors, and subordinates (Judge & Ferris 1992) improves individual and organizational effectiveness. Because P-O fit has been positively related to job attitudes (organizational commitment, motivation, job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behaviors) and negatively related to turnover intentions of employees, the congruence between individual and organizational values could be critical for the organizations. In this context, this study attempts to explore the relationships between the P-O fit and job satisfaction, work alienation and individual performance level of academicians. In order to test hypothesis empirically; data was collected from academicians of a State University that is being in the list of Top 500 World Universities located in Turkey. After the reliability, correlation and regression analyses, we conclude by discussing implications, limitations, and future researches concerning the P–O fit.


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