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  • Tags: H Social Sciences (General)

The lodge of ruined father (giddy Ali grandfather) which is 40 kilometre to Uskup capital city of Macedonya is an important Bektashi’s lodge. This lodge has give education to many santon and many of those poets has tryed to explain their…
Author: CAKIR, Mümine

In this article I will be dealing with Shakespeare’s work and lifestyle he has created, the connection of Shakespeare and modern world in any sense! Shakespeare’s protagonists, his messages, links with Islam, his place of nowhere, the role model he…
Author: Busatlic, Raisa Khan, Shahab Yar

Gentrification can be interpreted as a return of the affluent people to the city. This process is supported by authorities both due to the contributions it could make to the city in many ways. The studies concentrating on the subjective and …
Author: Biçki, Doğan Özgökçeler, Serhat

Sustainable development is an umbrella term, which encompasses many disciplines including ecology, economy, biology, and education. Today, the world has started to pay much more attention to environmental problems. As these problems continue to…
Author: Birol, Zehra Nesrin Yazıcı, Hikmet

When examined carefully the existing problems in the foreign language teaching, it is seen that teacher factor has been in the first order. On browsed to formation of the teachers working in the schools of Turkish Minister of Education and in…
Author: Bastürk, Mehmet Koçer, Ömer

Teachers of second language, to be most effective, should be aware of who their students really are. It means that teachers must comprehend diversities among their students in many individual characteristics, such as age, self-esteem, motivation…
Author: BURGUCU, Assiye HAN, Turgay ENGİN, Ali Osman KAYA, M. Dursun

The aim of this study is to search effectiveness level of the primary schools, to examine the relationships between the levels of effectiveness and to study whether there is a meaningful relationship between independent factors and level of…
Author: Arslan, Hasan

Personality type is a concept which, in the field of research of the organizational culture, could be related to the Briggs & Myers model of personality development. Briggs and Myers were the authors of the world’s most extensive database of the…
Author: Alić, Amel

Famous Turkish traveller Evliya Çelebi, who lived in 17th century, travelled Ottoman territory from west to east, at the same time he went around neigbourhood. At the end of these travels lasted approximately fifty years, his work Seyahatnâme,…
Author: Akmaz, Münteha Gül
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