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  • Tags: P Philology. Linguistics

The role of error correction or corrective feedback has been studied and emphasized since the beginning of language learning. The term largely relates to the four skills of language such as reading, writing, speaking and writing. This article will…
Author: Akay, Ceylani Akbarov, Azamat

The article intends to present data from the exploratory research of an ongoing doctoral project on reciprocal social representations between national and foreign students32. This research and intervention project is being developed by the LEIP …
Author: Reste, Carmen Domingues Ança, Maria Helena

Contrastive analysis or contrastive linguistics is related to the field of applied contrastive studies which predicts and clarifies the difficulties in the process of second language acquisition. It is also claimed that a comparison of different…
Author: Rushidi, Jeta

Since politics and politicians are two of the most popular and most discussed topics in today’s world, especially in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in this paper the author tries to make a brief analysis of political discourse but from the linguistic point…
Author: Zovko, Ivana

When transferring from one language, language A, to the other , language B, similarities and differences can easily be perceived. Very often, some language categories are found in one language, but not in the other one. In order to detect those…
Author: Mr.Solak, Edina Arnaut, Alica

Conceptual integration theory, proposed by Fauconnier and Turner in 1993, has been successfully used in the study a wide range of phenomena of human thought and action, from counterfactuals to metaphors, proving blending to be present in the simplest…
Author: Delibegovic Dzanic, Nihada Berberovic, Sanja

In creating textbooks and course books for foreign language education, the starting point is the goal of learning the language – language acquisition either on the level of communication skills for specific purposes (business or daily), or as part of…
Author: Petrovska, Lesya Dugandžić, Ana

Complex predicates are defined as constructions consisting of preverb/converb/coverb + ‘light verb’ (Bowern 2006). Each component of the complex construction contributes to the internal argument structure. The typology of complex predicates exhibits…
Author: Akbarov, Azamat TÜRKER, Lola

There is general consensus among applied linguists, foreign language teachers/learners and researchers that vocabulary learning is an essential part of mastering a second language (Schmitt, 2008: 329). In order to function adequately in English, some…
Author: Karaata, Cemal

Communicative language teaching is undoubtfully the most widely adopted teaching approach, however sometimes the learners turn out to be ‘fluent fools‘, especially when the balance between language forms (accuracy/usage) and language functions…
Author: Pavan, Elisabetta
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