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  • Tags: H Social Sciences (General)

In historical process, Akhism guided to the commercial life of Turks. It is in close contact with other institutions of the society. With its rules and principles Akhism seeks to establish good relations between people and also organizations. With…
Author: Hilmi, Uyar

Sustainable business and corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities have been raising in Turkey since 2001 Economic Crisis. Corporate social responsibility (CSR), is an approach developed with the concept of sustainable development. CSR is a…
Author: Huseyin, Onlem Ersoz Ramazan, Kilic

This paper offers a general overview of GIS integration as a curricula and technology in the Albanian Education System. Basically it presents the evolution history of this technology, the development environment and the efforts of a closer approach…
Author: Hysenaj,

In recent decades, the modernism and modern socio-political analysis has been subjected to criticism in many respects. The ideas of the global, post-modern and post-industrial societies attempted to legimitize themselves over the criticism of the…
Author: Hüsamettin, İnaç

Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) is a system resembling biological neural systems and uses working principles of human brain as a base. ANN can be applied in various fields for the purposes of forecasting, classification, optimization, data binding…
Author: Karaatli, Meltem

Prior to directing their investments, strategy makers at national and firm level need to know competitive advantages and disadvantages in a country or region. By bearing this need in mind, this study aims to examine competitive factors in Balkan…
Author: Kazim, Develioglu

Prior to directing their investments, strategy makers at national and firm level need to know competitive advantages and disadvantages in a country or region. By bearing this need in mind, this study aims to examine competitive factors in Balkan…
Author: Kazim , Develioglu

EINSTEIN, has seen the future dream and information power, then performed his genius by dreaming. To dream the aimed future and to focus on, to endeavour on targets, to build a ''vision'' are the powers which a leader has to have. Visionary…
Author: Kemal, Demirci

Parents’ dominance on determination of food consumption pattern of children has been changing in recent years by the effect of developing social communication via information technologies, improving education level and changing social status of the…
Author: M., TolgaTolon

The notion of clusters has been attracted increasing interest from academics and business practitioners for two decades. The theory and research emphasize their strong and positive influence in promoting industrial development, innovation, and…
Author: M. Atilla , Aricioğlu
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