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Aquaculture means the farming of aquatic animals and plants. Turkey has rich inland water sources, about 200 natural lakes, about 750 artificial lakes or ponds, about 193 reservoirs, 33 rivers and streams of 177.714 km length and 8.333 km of…
Author: Canyurt, Mehmet Ali Guner, Yusuf Toksen, Erol

Environmental issue has attracted attentions as one of the most important issues of the last century. This problem is a phenomena that threat to sustainable life. Effective solution of this issue depends on conscious and awareness of people about …
Author: Cankurt, Murat Miran, Bulent Hurma, Harun

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) is a young republic in the South Eastern Europe, which become independent from Yugoslavia in 1992. The independency was a though process and the economy of BIH seriously damaged in the civil war period during 1992- …
Author: COSKUN, Ali ILGÜN, Erkan

Toplumlar da fert fert insanlar gibi ortaya çıkışlarını, hayat maceralarını, var oluş mücadelelerini, eşik dönemlerini, mutluluklarını, parlak sayfalarını bir sonraki nesle aktarma ihtiyacı içindedir. Tarih’in henüz bir bilim olma iddiasına…
Author: CEYHAN, Nesîme

The Vatican's official newspaper Osservatore Romano said in an article in its issue of March 4, 2009 reported that Islamic banking system may help to overcome global crisis. The Vatican said banks should look at the ethical rules of Islamic finance…
Author: CAN, Mehmet

Osmanlı hâkimiyetinde iken huzur içinde yaşamalarına rağmen Sırp, Bulgar, Rum, Arnavut ve Karadağlılar, milliyetçilik akımının yayılması ve bazı büyük devletlerin kışkırtmasıyla farklı zamanlarda Osmanlı’ya karşı ayaklanırlar, savaş açarlar. Bu…

The faster that a motor vehicle can accelerate to a high velocity is crucial to its performance and handling. The acceleration of the vehicle is important to know because it tells us how the car handles during merging and evasive maneuvering. …
Author: Bucak, İhsan Ömür

In the present study, electrocoagulation (EC) has been evaluated as a treatment technology for arsenic (As) removal from aqueous solutions. Iron plate electrode was used in experiments. The experiments was used were carried out in a batch reactor.…
Author: Boncukçuoğlu, Recep Can, Berrin Z. Yilmaz, Alper E. Kocakerim, M. Muhtar

Banana, the production of which is restricted in some regions in both the world and in Turkey, is a rather demanded product as it is delicious, exotic and nutritious. The production, consumption and trade of banana is in high volumes in the world.…
Author: Biner, Beyza Temirkaynak, Meliha Oten, Mehmet

Real Estate Finance or mortgage finance is more popular economic issue around the World and Turkey. Real estate markets are more productive markets than other markets. This market energize nearly 200 other main and submain sector. Because of that,…
Author: BiRGiLi, Erhan GÜMÜS, Fatih AKAYTAY, Ali
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