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Namjera autorice jeste da ovim radom neposredno uporedi univerzalne i kulturalne specifiĦnosti u Ħitanju, razumijevanju i pouĦavanju knjiņevnog modernizma i postmodernizma s meħukulturalnog aspekta. U radu Ĥe se nastojati pobliņe osmotriti…
Author: Raljević, Selma

Since the advent of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), plenty of controversial issues have been raised in the academic circles all over the world. As we know, one controversial aspects of ESP domain deals with the significant role of the teacher…
Author: Rajabi, Peyman Kiany, Gholam Reza Maftoon, Parviz

Postmodernism has had its influences on different literary genres such as fiction, drama, and poetry. Truly, fiction has been the center of attention in many critical studies. But the manifestations of the movement can also be traced in poetry.…
Author: Rahimi, Masoumeh

Auxiliary selection (AS) with those Italian intransitive verbs (IVs) that can use both essere ‗to be‘ and avere ‗to have‘, but with a change in meaning (e.g. È/Ha corso al parco ‗He ran to/at the park‘), represents one of the major challenges in…
Author: Radojević, Dragana

There are two English nominal suffixes sharing the same meaning ―a place or device containing or associated with [something]‖: -arium and -ary (for the latter, the English language dictionaries mention only the meaning ―one that relates to or is …

The aim of this study is to analyze the presence of balkanistic discourse in the article "Montenegro, land of stout hearts and stones", published in the Washington Post on December 3, 2010, and to indicate the factors involved in its generation…
Author: Popović, Olivera Brajičić, Cvijeta

The aim of this paper is to address the issue of linguistic competence versus translation competence seen from a pedagogical perspective. I will start by reviewing the well-known distinction between competence and performance and their …
Author: Popescu, Teodora

Motivation is a key to success. It helps us understand why we do the things we do, or why we learn and thrive to further develop our abilities to do something. In language learning motivation plays a crucial role, because only the motivated…
Author: Piric, Alma

This paper deals with classification and explanation of the reasons of the most frequent lexical errors which occur in the translations of the undergraduate students of the Department of Italian Language and Literature (University of Montenegro).…
Author: Piletić, Deja

Communicative language teaching is undoubtfully the most widely adopted teaching approach, however sometimes the learners turn out to be ‘fluent fools‘, especially when the balance between language forms (accuracy/usage) and language functions…
Author: Pavan, Elisabetta
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