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Today, companies should be very careful when choosing their online strategies. It is not enough to only have website at-any-cost. Precisely, it is necessary to distinguish structure (web design) and content (presentations), which are placed on the…
Author: HABUL, Aida PILAV-VELIC, Amila KULDIJA, Nermin OBRALIĆ, Merdžana

Research of wind energy potential with the aim of installing wind turbines was performed on location Hrgud in the southeastern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. These are complex terrains characterized by specific wind Bora. Measurements were…
Author: ZLOMUŠICA, Elvir ZALIHIĆ, Suad BEJDIĆ, Jasmin

A major period of transformation has begun all over the world since 1980s. The important developments occurring in the political field with neoliberal policies have also affected economic field equally. Economic stability and transformation cannot…
Author: KİRİŞ, Hakan M. ŞENTÜRK, Canan KESKİN, Hidayet SUNGUR, Onur

Key words: curriculum, foreign language, early learning, communicative and intercultural competence ABSTRACT The Council of Europe in its Recommendation indicates the importance of knowing modern languages, as well as the need to develop a…
Author: SOBO, Katica Sobo RUJEVCAN, Davorka ZIGNIC, Blaženka Filipan

The undoubted advantages of induction motor drives fed by frequency inverters, for energy efficiency improvement inclusive, have led to their increasing utilization in practice. Their application results in generation of harmonic distortions that…
Author: HRISTOVA, Miglena RUSEVA, Vyara DIMOV, Dimo

Keywords:energy efficiency of variable frequency drives, current harmonics, total harmonic distortion, crest factor. ABSTRACT The undoubted advantages of induction motor drives fed by frequency inverters, for energy efficiency improvement…
Author: HRISTOVA, Miglena RUSEVA, Vyara DIMOV, Dimo

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), being commonly used in all the sectors of an economy and one of the most important driving forces for social development in the last 20 years, facilitated to product goods and service for…
Author: Kaynak, Selahattin Özer, Hüseyin

The right to a remedy and remedies are of fundamental importance for any society. This paper examines selected issues relating to remedies in comparative criminal law: evolution, definition, types and specifics of the remedies in certain legal…
Author: Muharemović Orić, Nejra

Learning a language always means learning not only grammar and vocabulary but specific terms and phrases as well, characteristic for the target language and very different from the mother tongue of the learner. This is even more true of the language…
Author: Pleše, Dubravka Bogdanović, Vesna

The use of web applications has been rapidly expanded into all sectors of society such as government, business, education, and industry. Web applications have to be thorough tested to ensure their correctness and meet the software requirements.…
Author: Örnek, Özgür
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