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Humanities and social sciences are mostly regarded as ''soft sciences''. Females have greater interest in them compared to males. Because linguistic (in this paper, English language studies) belongs to both humanities and social sciences, the present…
Author: Aydoğan, Hakan Akbarov, Azamat

Key words:tenses, adverbs, transfer, spontaneous speech ABSTRACT Since proper pronunciation and the awareness thereof is one of the main purposes of the first semester undergraduate course Phonetics and Phonology at the South European University,…
Author: MIRTOSKA, Jasmina LOCI, Emrije Agai

ABSTRACT In French grammar, the attribute has a primary sentence function, the exclusion of which makes the sentence ungrammatical. In the Macedonian language, the attribute presents a second-degree sentence member which is not necessary for the…
Author: Kasaposka-Chadlovska, Milena

The purpose of this study is to provide some evidence on the effects of some auditor-related, firm specific and legal factors on issuance of modified audit opinions. The study covers Turkish firms listed in İstanbul Stock Exchange. The audit…
Author: SAKIN, Turgay

The rise of accounting scandals in the last decade has reduced trust of the users in audited financial statements, so users have started questioning the quality of audit work. This paper aims to test empirically whether audit-firm tenure reduces…
Author: TUREL, Ahmet TUREL, Asli NUR CIFTCI, Havva

The financial statement audit is of vital importance to the stability, growth, and healthy development of financial markets. Investors, creditors, and other users of financial statements need reliable financial information. Auditor independence…
Author: BORA SENYIGIT, Yigit

New materials have continuously been added to the assessment instruments in ELT day by day. The question of whether writing assessment in ELT can be done via E-Rater® was first addressed in 1996, and this system, which is commonly called “Automated…
Author: DOĞAN, Ali

This study aims to explore whether and how Turkish prospective teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL) engage in English activities outside their undergraduate courses to improve their English language abilities and their reasons for doing…
Author: Ersin, Pınar C. Camlibel Acar, Zeynep

Bildiride ilk önce Doğu Avrupaya Orta Çağda göç etmiş olan Türk boyları, Doğu Avrupa’da kurulan Türk devletleri teker teker tanıtılacak, özellikle Göktürklerin müttefikleri olan Hazarlar üzerinde durulacaktır. Sonra Kaşgarlının, haritasında Doğu…
Author: ERDAL, Marcel

Abstract: Aware of the effect on the domestic production is a huge process which includes numbers of different research on various theory which are explaining the terms aware of somethinh in a term of buying somethinh or product. Many researchers…
Author: Bozalija, Berin DUMAN, Teoman
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