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The use of plants to meet the world’s food needs is vital to human survival. On a global basis, over 65 % of food protein and over 80 % of food energy is supplied by plants. In terms of gross tonnage, approximately 98 % of the total world food…
Author: Onder, Mustafa Kahraman, Ali

This article is based on empirical investigation of intrasentential antonym functions in Serbian written discourse, which suggests that phrasal contexts in which antonyms co-occur are relatively stable and that at least some of the most frequent…
Author: Kostić, Nataša

There have been many researchers (Holmes, Brown and Levinson, Olshtain, Blum-Kulka, House, Kasper) who have devoted themselves to the analysis of one of the basic units of human linguistic communication - the act of apologizing. An apology, as argued…
Author: Ilić, Jelena

There have been many researchers (Holmes, Brown and Levinson, Olshtain, Blum-Kulka, House, Kasper) who have devoted themselves to the analysis of one of the basic units of human linguistic communication - the act of apologizing. An apology, as argued…
Author: Ilić, Jelena

Turkey has wide varieties of fruits and vegetables, of which many are indigenous to the area, such as the pear, quince, cherry, plum, grape, hazelnut, walnut, apricot, and apple. The land area has 6% fruit, olives and vineyard of Turkey. Six top…
Author: OĞUZ, Cennet KARAKAYACI, Zuhal KALYONCU, İ.Hakkı

Factor analysis is applied to the dataset on surface water quality of the Sakarya River (Turkey), generated one year monitoring at five monitoring stations for eight parameters. This study presents of factor analysis technique for evaluation of…
Author: Yerel, Suheyla Ozbay, Nurgul Ankara, Huseyin

Keywords: Coal Mining, Parameter, Eigenvalues, Factor Analysis, Multivariate Statistic Analysis ABSTRACT In this paper, the selected coal mining parameter such as pickling, production, sale and invetments are investigated by using the factor…
Author: YEREL KANDEMIR, Suheyla ANKARA, Huseyin

Keywords:Coal Mining, Parameter, Eigenvalues, Factor Analysis, Multivariate Statistic Analysis. ABSTRACT In this paper, the selected coal mining parameter such as pickling, production, sale and investments are investigated by using the factor…
Author: YEREL KANDEMIR, Suheyla ANKARA, Huseyin

The fractal geometry is a relatively new research subject in theory of architecture, but its principles are in use for centuries. Among the witness are numerous architectural masterpieces around the world and various ornaments found in different…
Author: KARGIC, Lejla

In a modern business environment, work is often segmented into activities having a well-defined objective and a limited duration period. These activities are referred to as projects. Projects are categorized in several ways and according to various…
Author: KLAPIJA, Emil
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