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While we need to problematize the notions of development and sustainable development, we are also faced by a particular challenge related to language: what models of language in the world are we using to understand the role of language education in…
Author: Akbarov, Azamat Anvarovich

The present study was conducted in order to determine the macro and micro elements uptake from the soil by corn poppy (Papaver rhoeas L.) depending on its existence in different densities.The study was carried out on Karahan-99 type …
Author: Akay, Aysen Karaca, Murat

Related literature indicates that teachers and tests are strong sources of test anxiety among adult language learners while there exists a serious lack of research on the relationship between teachers and test anxiety in terms of young learners.…
Author: AYDIN, Selami Karakuzu, Melih ELKILIÇ, Gencer

Related literature indicates that teachers and tests are strong sources of test anxiety among adult language learners while there exists a serious lack of research on the relationship between teachers and test anxiety in terms of young…
Author: AYDIN, Selami Karakuzu, Melih ELKILIÇ, Gencer

In this study, we aimed to explore the relationship between religiosity and business ethics. Two dimensions of religiosity – intrinsic an extrinsic- were studied. We tested mainly one hypothesis: whether ethical attitudes are affected by…
Author: AYDEMİR, Muzaffer GÖKSU, Ali OBRALIĆ, Merdžana

The global financial system has witnessed rapid growth and substantial structural change during the last ten years leading to globalization of financial markets. The integration of financial markets has accentuated the rapid flow of capital across …
Author: ASLAN, Nurdan TERZI, Nuray

stract: The recent advances in Information and Communication Technologies affected education industry as well as other industries all over the world. Over the past decade, higher education institutions have been increasingly utilizing e-learning…
Author: ASILKAN, Özcan ERSOY, Ahmed Fatih

The main power behind the development of a country can be considered as EDUCATION. Today, due to rapid industrialization, professional and technical education is regarded as locomotive in raising staff to industry equipped with necessary…
Author: APAY, Ahmet YUKSEL, Ibrahim

Sanat, ahlâk ve eğitim üç toplumsal etkinlik alanıdır. Bunlardan sanat “güzelçirkin”, ahlâk ise “iyi-kötü” kavram ikilisine dayanır ve kendi ilkeleri ve zeminleri üzerinde oluşur. Ancak her iki alan da birbirleri hakkında kendileri açısından değer …
Author: ANDI, M. Fatih

Ortaöğretimde öğrencilere verilen derslerin elbette herbirinin ayrı ve gerekli işlevleri ve yerleri vardır. Ancak bunlar içerisindeki edebiyat derslerinin fonksiyonları göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, dersin yeri ve önemi bir kat daha öne çıkar.…
Author: ANDI, Kübra
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