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The purpose of this paper is through properly selected examples to prove that Millman Parry and Albert Lord’s aspects of the theory of the popular ballad can be applied in the English ballads too. Perry and Lord explained how the Homeric epic and…
Author: Isaki, Fatmire

The process of the world globalization leads to the enlargement of intercultural and interlingual connections among the representatives of different countries, nations, religions and cultures. Herewith, there is a special interest towards the study…
Author: Kulagina, Margarita

The purpose of this paper is to explore the components of pragmatic competence for L2 learners. Developing pragmatic competence in a second/foreign language has been addressed in many articles and publications on cross-cultural and interlanguage…
Author: Kusevska, Marija Ulanska, Tatjana Ivanovska, Biljana Daskalovska, Nina Mitkovska, Ljiljana

The phoneme is conceived as a mental image that is stored in our mind and then represented by sounds in speech and graphemes in writing for phonologically based alphabets. The acquisition of L2 phonology includes two very important skills – reading…
Author: Musulin, Maša

The concept of the ‘other’ is an inherent part of understanding one’s identity, since people define their roles through their relations toward ‘others’. Generally speaking, the ‘other’ is everyone who is detached and different from one’s self or…
Author: Petrović-Tomanić, Olivera

The acquisition process of the target language is characterized by the complexity of linguistic rules in learner’s L1 and linguistic purposes of that particular language. This process accomplishes a system called interlanguage (Selinker, 1972). In…
Author: Rugo, Maria Ordulj, Antonia

Promatrajući Grassove naslove, primjećujemo čestu upotrebu životinja: Mačka i miš, Pasje godine, Lumbur, Štakorica, Korakom raka, itd.. Cilj ovoga rada je analizirati zašto se Grass odlučuje za određenu životinju u izboru svojih naslova, prikazati…
Author: Ručević, Anemarija

The paper aims at bringing up a type of text linguistic analysis, different from traditional one, with the emphasis on the contrastive studies in general and on the English-Albanian cross-linguistic phenomena in particular. It will concentrate in…
Author: Sejdiu-Rugova, Lindita Rugova, Bardh

Education as an area is most closely associated with the formation of human personality, and therefore is the most important factor of economic and social development. The teacher was and still is the key figure in the education system. Consequently,…
Author: Tolipov, Utkir

TBL is an approach that makes the task the basic unit for planning and teaching. It contrasts with approaches that are centred around grammar because it involves the specification not of a sequence of language items, but of a sequence of…
Author: Turan, Sema
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