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Unresolved constitutional issues in the controversy and disagreement on the state organisation and on the fiscal system of Bosnia and Herzegovina Neriješena ustavna pitanja u svjetlu kontraverzi i neslaganja o državnom uređenju i fiskalnom sistemu Bosne i Hercegovine
Institutional (in) ability of the Dayton agreement to integrate conflicting national community politically and ideologically in a democratic community, caused different and often conflicting opinions on "the spirit of Dayton" and the consequences of such a regulation on the viability of the Bosnian society and the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina itself. The authors elaborate such disagreements on the system of government on the theoretical, legal and political level, on one hand. On the other hand, the authors give arguments that the thesis that the constitutional order of BiH ignores its financial sovereignty concluding that Bosnia and Herzegovina is financialy sovereign as one confederation could be. In the core of the legal debate on state regulation are different approaches to the allocation of responsibilities between state and entities, and to the organization of government. In this debate, the dominant question is whether Bosnia and Herzegovina is considered a federation or a confederation. In the disagreement of the national and political elite, the conflict based on ethno-national conception of ethnic homogeneity and national sovereignty over their territories, is dominant. The solution for the viability of Bosnia and Herzegovina is observed through two conceptual levels. In the first one, the involvement of the international community, especially the European Union, in designing the changes of Dayton seems inevitable. Per second one, Bosnia and Herzegovina will be left to reconcile by herself the present irreconcilable differences of their national political elites. In both cases, the minimum acceptable framework for all legal solutions should include the establishment of mechanisms for the protection of equal individual collective rights, equality of the constituent peoples in the entire national territory, including minority rights, and the adoption and implementation of international charters and conventions on human rights. Sažetak: Institucionalna (ne)mogućnost odredbi Daytonskog sporazuma da integriraju politički i ideološki suprostavljene nacionalne zajednice u demokratsku zajednicu izazvala je različite, često i oprečne stavove „o duhu Daytona“ i posljedicama ovakvog uređenja po samu održivost društva i države BiH. Autori elaboriraju s jedne strane, neslaganja oko ovakvog državnog uređenja na teorijsko-pravnom i političkom nivou. S druge strane, autori argumentiraju tezu po kojoj ustavno uređenje BiH zanemaruje njenu finansijsku suverenost, iz čega izvlače tezu da je BiH finansijski suverena koliko i jedna konfederacija. U centru pravne debate o državnom uređenju stoje različiti pristupi u raspodjeli nadležnosti između države i entiteta, i organizaciji državne vlasti. U ovoj debati dominirajuće je pitanje treba li se Bosna i Hercegovina smatrati federacijom ili konfederacijom. U neslaganju političkih nacionalnih elita dominira sukob etno-nacionalnih nacrta o etničkim homogenostima i nacionalnim suverenostima nad svojim teritorijama. Izlaz za opstojnost Bosne i Hercegovine se sagledava sa dva konceptualna nivoa. U prvom se involviranje međunarodne zajednice, prije svega Evropske unije, u oblikovanje promjena Daytonskog sporazuma čini neminovnim. Po drugom, Bosna i Hercegovina će biti prepuštena samoj sebi i moraće sama da pomiri sadašnje nepomirljive razlike svojih nacionalnih političkih elita. U oba slučaja minimum prihvatljivog okvira za sva pravna rješenja trebao bi obuhvatiti uspostavljanje jednakih mehanizama zaštite individualnih kolektivnih prava, ravnopravnost konstitutivnih naroda na cijeloj državnoj teritoriji, uključujući prava nacionalnih manjina, te usvajanje i provođenje međunarodnih povelja i konvencija o zaštiti ljudskih prava.
ISSN 2303-5706
Social Sciences Research Center of International Burch University