Constitutional Principle of the Rule of Law and the Right to Private Entrepreneurship Ustavni princip vladavine prava i pravo na privatno poduzetništvo

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Constitutional Principle of the Rule of Law and the Right to Private Entrepreneurship Ustavni princip vladavine prava i pravo na privatno poduzetništvo


DEDIĆ, Sedad
BAKŠIĆ, Šukrija


Abstract: The existance of a constitution which is realised in practical life, or rules with constitutional power and function in the form which is compatible with a concrete law space and the law tradition, that clearly define the the political actors and the rules of the political process and the realization of the rights and interests of citizens on the basis of constitutional principles of the rule of law, the existence of a legal state and legal certainty, presents one of most significant conditions for successful functioning and development of entrepreneurship in a contemporary society. The existence of private initiatives and private enterprises is closely connected to existence of the free market and protection of private property and economic freedom. The economic goals of the rule of law are reflected in the successful functioning of economic powers and economic rules, and therefore quality realization of the right to private enterprises and the ability to achieve a higher standard of living. The rule of law conceived and defined as arbitrary state power and arbitrary personal acts controller, which violate human rights, provide legal certainty and greater efficiency in economic activities. Nevertheless, the rule of law allows citizens to pursue their own economic goals, with the main criteria for making economical costs comparable and realistic to expected profits in the free market. In addition, the results of this kind of attitude should be eliminating legal and economic consequences which have negative influence on law certainty and economic development. Sažetak: Postojanje ustava koji se ostvaruje u praksi, odnosno normi sa ustavnom snagom i funkcijom, u formi karakterističnoj za određeni pravni prostor i pravnu tradiciju, kojim se jasno definišu akteri političkog života i pravila političkih procesa i ostvarivanje prava i interesa građana na temeljima ustavnog principa vladavine prava, postojanja pravne države i pravne sigurnosti predstavlja jedan od preduslova za funkcionisanje i razvoj privrede u savremenom svijetu. Adekvatno stimulisanje privatne inicijative i privatnog poduzetništva je usko povezano sa postojanjem slobodnog tržišta i zaštite prava vlasništva i ekonomskih sloboda. Ekonomski ciljevi vladavine prava ogledaju se u uspješnom djelovanju ekonomskih sila i zakonitosti, a samim tim i kvalitetnog ostvarivanja prava na privatno poduzetništvo i postizanje višeg standarda života građana. Vladavina prava, zamišljena i definisana, u svom suštinskom dijelu, kao kontrolor arbitrarne državne vlasti i samovolje pojedinaca koje narušavaju ostvarivanje prava drugih ljudi omogućava pravnu izvjesnost i veću efikasnost u privrednim aktivnostima. U tom smislu vladavina prava se može smatrati jednom od neophodnih pretpostavki koje građanima omogućava da slijede svoje ekonomske ciljeve, s tim što su glavni kriteriji odlučivanja realni ekonomski odnosi na slobodnom tržištu. Jedan od rezultata ovakvog koncepta treba biti i eliminisanje pravnih i privrednih konsekvenci koje negativno utiču na pravnu sigurnost i privredni razvoj.




ISSN 2303-5706


Social Sciences Research Center of International Burch University





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