The Importance Of Aphrodisias Ancient City In Sustainable Economical Development

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The Importance Of Aphrodisias Ancient City In Sustainable Economical Development


Matcicek , Zekeriya


Aphrodisias is an ancient city nearby Karacasu, Aydın. It was established by the name of Goddess Aphrodit. It is a big settlement from the Bronz Age to Bizans time. It has been found baths, agora, stadium, odeon, Aphrodit temple in arceologic excavations. Aphrodisias is known as an important sculpturing centre in first- era, was given sculpturing education in that term.Of all the ancient cities in Anatolia, The Stadium of Aphrodisias is one of the best preserved. Aphrodisias is an ancient city which is famous for its Aphrodit temple especially in Roman age. It is one of the most important archeological places of Turkey with its well-protected movement – buildings now. The excavations started by New York University in 1961 are being continued today, too. The new historical sites have been found in excavations that still last now. These historical sites have been presented in the museum of Aphrodisias. About 125.000 tourists visit Aphrodisias ancient city each year. The visitors come from America and European Countries mostly in spring and autumn. In other hot months, French, Italian and Spanish people visit and Brazilian tourists have visited ancienty city lately. Tourists who come in winter visit mostly for shopping and Aphrodisias ancient city is visited. The avarage age of visitors is quite high. It is preferred by only the participants of cultural tours because Aphrodisias Ancient city is visited according to cultural tourism. These tours reachmostly beginning from İstanbul to Bursa – Çanakkale – İzmir Efes – Kuşadası – Didim Milet and then Aphrodisias – Pamukkale Hierapolis and Antalya. In this research the variation of tourist which visit Aphrodisias ancient city have been determined and it has also been determined how tourists in this community spend their money. The effect of these spendings on economical sustainable development of Turkey and the region where ancient city is has beendetermined. Keywords : Aphrodisias, Sculpturing education, Aphrodit temple, Karacasu, Ancient city


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