Key drivers for customer engagement on Facebook brand fan pages in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dublin Core


Key drivers for customer engagement on Facebook brand fan pages in Bosnia and Herzegovina




Facebook brand pages is a popular marketing tool and currently it is being integrated as one of the main components in the brand's marketing strategy and campaign to reach out to customers and fans. In order to have a successful social media marketing campaign, it is important to understand the behavior of customers on the brand pages and what motivates them to engage on a Facebook Brand Page which eventually should lead to purchase of the brand's products or services. It is recognized that members of Facebook Brand Pages tend to exhibit favorable brandrelated engagement and buying intentions. The purpose of this research is to examine the motivation that influences customer engagement on a Facebook brand page. The Motivations are classified according to entertainement, information, social integration, social identity, renumeration and empowerment motivations according to the User and Gratification theory. Afterwards, the relationship between user's attitudes is examined towards customer engagement on the Facebook brand pages. Customer engagement types are classified according to their level of engagement from the lowest level consumers, contributors and creators being the highest level of online brand activeness. Finally, the research will analyze how customer engagement influences buyers purchase intention of the brand's products or services. The Technology Acceptane Model (TAM) and User and gratification (U&G) model were combined in order to develop the model for this reseach. An online survey was prepared which was distributed to Facebook users online and a total of 750 surveys were collected of which 538 stated that they follow Facebook Brand pages and were therefore considered for the investigation. The relationship between the motivations, attitude, and customer engagement and buyers intention will be tested with regression analysis to test the model. Keywords: Motivation, U&G, Customer Engagement, Buying Intention, Facebook Brand Page, Attitude, Social Media Marketing.




ISSN 978-9958-834-23-3


International Burch University


