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  • Tags: K Law (General)

Tranziciona pravda je termin koji označava različite načine postupanja prema prošlim kršenjima ljudskih prava u društvima u tranziciji, a koji dovode do postkonfliktnog pomirenja u društvu. Ne podrazumijeva samo suđenja osobama koje su prekršile…
Author: ŠKRBIĆ, Ajla

Abstract: In the present work we try to problematize the emergence of partnerships which by definition belong to the free expression of the will of adults. Research shows that this is not entirely so, and that is the basis of these relations social…
Author: Alisabri, Šabani

Abstract: Cession is a contract between assignor and assignee by whom assignor cede its demands towards debtor (cesus). In cession, debtor is not a party, so it is necessary enable it legal protection. Ours, German and Austrian law protects…
Author: BIKIĆ, Abedin

Abstract: The court settlement is one way of resolving civil disputes. Regulated by the provisions of the applicable Code of Civil Procedure Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but is not sufficiently applicable . The court settlement is…
Author: Bešić, Asmira

Abstract: The development of international trade led to the necessity of equalizing the legal mechanisms for regulating legal relations, arising from international trade transactions. Increasingly important role of international trade questions…
Author: Brnabić, Ratko

Abstract: One of the forms of international cooperation among States in fighting against criminality is to provide for mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. International criminal justice assistance includes a set of different actions and…
Author: Bubalović, Tadija

Abstract: Significant efforts were taken in BiH in the adoption of legislation guarantying the rule of law and human rights. In the framework of this activity the Law on Freedom of Access to Information and the Law on Personal Data Protection were…
Author: Dzumhur, Jasminka

Abstract: In the past few decades, due to far-reaching social changes caused by globalization and postmodernization, modern law and legal systems have changed significantly. Generally speaking, law has become less general, systematic, and…
Author: Flander, Benjamin

In the last few years there is a process of reforming juvenile criminal law in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main feature of this reform is reflected in the introduction of new legislative model of criminal status of juveniles, according to which the…
Author: GURDA, Vedad

Abstract: In normal life circumstances, due to a harmful event which results in a death of a person, it is an undisputed fact that the closest relatives of a deceised person experience mental distress.The closest relatives are indirectly damaged, and…
Author: Hrvić, Gordana
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