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  • Tags: P Philology. Linguistics

The present study attempts to offer ‗a cartography‘ of the internal ‗morphology‘ of the ‖sight‖ – ‖vision‖ dialectics proposed by Ioana Em. Petrescu in her work, Eminescu and the Mutations of the Romanian Poetry. This internal ‗morphology‘ is…
Author: Mihăilă, Silviu

The author describes the language education system implemented at a faculty preparing professional mathematicians, physicists and IT specialists, paying special attention to the course for mathematicians. The article also presents a profile of a…
Author: Mikuláš, Martin

There has been considerable debate during the last several decades regarding child and adult second language acquisition of morpho-syntax. This is a longitudinal case study of ten Farsi-speaking children learning English. The research deals with…
Author: Mobaraki, Mohsen Mohammadpour, Elaheh

There has been considerable debate during the last several decades regarding child and adult second language acquisition of morpho-syntax. This is a longitudinal case study of ten Farsi-speaking children learning English. The research deals with…
Author: Mobaraki, Mohsen Mohammadpour, Elaheh

When transferring from one language, language A, to the other , language B, similarities and differences can easily be perceived. Very often, some language categories are found in one language, but not in the other one. In order to detect those…
Author: Mr.Solak, Edina Arnaut, Alica

Multimodality in the domain of linguistic and literary research and teaching emerged imperceptibly and laid the groundwork for an organic and systemic analysis of language-based phenomena. In this sense, literary theory is an extension of…
Author: Muhić, Emir

Ovaj rad istraņuje zavisne veze reĦeniĦnih Ħlanova u arapskom jeziku primarno iskazane promjenom flektivnih formi i interpretira ih u kontekstu tradicionalnog, izvorno arapskog koncepta zavisnosti reĦeniĦnih elemenata ili konstituenata, ali i u…
Author: Mulovć, Amra

Thirty, with two distinct proficiency level, EFL Saudi English majors at Taibah University participated in this study. Two written elicitation tasks were used: a fill-in-theblank test which was accompanied by a self-checklist, and a translation…
Author: Noor, Hashim Adubaib, Arwa

In the project of the EU reform of general education in Bosnia, very important place in the profile of the reformed schools definitely take teaching methods aimed at children. Motivating activities, dramatic teaching and feedback can have very…
Author: Obralić, Nudžejma
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