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  • Tags: P Philology. Linguistics

The aim of the present paper is to show how the Polish students of English Philology changed their orientations towards intercultural differences as a result of intercultural encounters they experienced and instruction in intercultural development…
Author: Romanowski, Piotr

From 13th to 19th century the Ottoman Turkish with Arabic and Persian literature have been constantly on the agenda, and has experienced considerable debate around these two strangers. Some of the Turkish language for considering these two know some…
Author: ÇETİNDAĞ, Yusuf

Newspapers offer good chances of reading practice for ESL learners of different proficiency levels.Since newspaper articles are authentic in terms of language they use,experiences they report,and culture they reflect they may attract ESL learners‘…
Author: ÇAKIR, Abdülhamit

Words are the sounds or the skeleton of ideas. They give the sensation and the color to the thoughts of societies. In our study, our aim is to provide an analysis of impact of ideology in daily Bosnian language in Yugoslavia under the impact of…
Author: Ayhan, Ülkü Milišić, Alma Akbarov, Azamat

Metin dilbilim, metinlerin yapısını, anlamını, metni oluşturan öğelerin birbirleriyle ve metinle olan ilişkilerini başka bir deyişle metnin metin olma özelliklerini gerek dilsel gerekse dil dışı etkenler çerçevesinde irdeleyen bilimdir. Dilsel…
Author: İnce, Bekir Özcan, Erdal

Tùrkiye Tùrkçesinin çağdaĢ anlamda yabancı dil olarak ôğretiminin kısa geçmiĢi olmasına rağmen bu alanda çok ciddi geliĢmeler kaydedilmiĢtir. Dùnyadaki değiĢim ve geliĢmeler Tùrkiye Tùrkçesinin evrensel ve bilimsel boyutta ôğretimini zorunlu …
Author: ÇETİN, Mustafa POLAT, Zeynel

Pitanje identiteta zaokuplja podjednako književnost i književnu teoriju. Osobni identitet gradi se u odnosu prema osjećaju pripadnosti grupi. Proces obrazovanja složeni je postupak pri kome se na mnogo načina, kroz identifikacijske procese, gradi…
Author: Marusic, Patricia

Regarded as a valuable means of building and maintaining relations among people generally humour is also considered as an inevitable feature of language used online. Not only is humour used for entertainment and relaxations but it is also one of the…
Author: Ilic, Jelena

Teaching phrasal verbs is a difficult area. Many a study has proved that contextualization has an important positive effect on the ability of the students to decipher the correct meaning of a phrasal verb. In this article you will read some useful …
Author: Mart, Çağrı Tuğrul

The 21st-century classroom is an increasingly changeable environment in which teachers are required to update their knowledge and skills constantly. However, professional development opportunities that are available to teachers are more often than…
Author: Glušac, Tatjana
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