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  • Tags: P Philology. Linguistics

This paper examines the importance of developing multicultural curriculum to curb the raising racist trends in the word. Since September 11, there has been an upsurge of racist and religious extremism in different parts of the world. One proactive…
Author: Turkyilmaz, M. Ugur

Cilj ovog rada je da pruņi teorijski uvid u dosadańnja istraņivanja koja se tiĦu metodike nastave leksike stranog jezika (L2). PolazeĤi od ovog opńeg okvira pokuńaĤemo da se u nastavku rada posebno zadrņimo na akademskoj leksiĦkoj kompetenciji…
Author: Drljević, Jelena

M. Garavelli (1971:2003) definińe nominalni stil kao sintaktiĦku jedinicu koja u osnovi ima „una frase in cui la funzione predicativa è affidata a una forma della classe morfologica dei nomi‖. U italijanskom jeziku uopńte, nominalni stil je toliko…
Author: Bojičić, Gordana

The relationship between the obsessed one and the object of obsession is not based on caring. It is based on power, a show of brutishness, a game of ego. The possession needs to be absolute, to the point of excluding everyone else, and the obsessed…
Author: Mohammad , Exir

There are two English nominal suffixes sharing the same meaning ―a place or device containing or associated with [something]‖: -arium and -ary (for the latter, the English language dictionaries mention only the meaning ―one that relates to or is …

Regarding the discrepancy between the English and the Bosnian language concerning an article system, this paper attempts at clarifying the difficulties for Bosnian L2 learners of English. Based on a similar study and an experimental study with…
Author: Maslo, Adi

In our corpus extracted from LDCE (2003) I have noted some examples of the lexical plurals with s in which s is deleted in back formation or replaced in paradigmatic derivation: (1a) scissors > scissor v., barracks > barrack (soldiers) v.,…
Author: Rakić, Stanimir

The aim of this study is to analyze the presence of balkanistic discourse in the article "Montenegro, land of stout hearts and stones", published in the Washington Post on December 3, 2010, and to indicate the factors involved in its generation…
Author: Popović, Olivera Brajičić, Cvijeta

In the language acquisition, especially EFL learners feel themselves quite unattained to native-speaker performance in learning words in the target language although they are exposed to the formal education for years. The fact that they are deprived…
Author: Emgin, Betül

This article highlights the issues of development of teachers’ professional competence, the necessity of cooperation and experience exchange between teachers, and the correlation of personal interests with the requests and needs of the state and…
Author: Umaraliyeva, Muhayo
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