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  • Tags: Q Science (General)

Residues of some medicals and fertilizers used in agricultural areas can reach to some receptors through some processes such as irrigation and surface waters. These natural receptors are rivers, lakes and seas. The materials coming from…
Author: Kalyoncu, Hasan Kalyoncu, İsmail Hakkı

Residues of some medicals and fertilizers used in agricultural areas can reach to some receptors through some processes such as irrigation and surface waters. These natural receptors are rivers, lakes and seas. The materials coming from …
Author: Kalyoncu, Hasan Kalyoncu, Ismail Hakkı

The purpose of this research;production olivine doped concrete is subjected to various experiments by designing and applying to provide to increase the fire resistance. The olivine doped concrete samples were obtained by using TS 802,which provide…

Substantial developments in wine and grape markets worldwide have resulted in a gradual increase in vineyards planting. This case synchronously increased the demand for grape planting materials. Environmentally healthy applications in the …
Author: KARA, Zeki SABIR, Ali

Water is the basis of life on earth; it is the main component of the environment and an essential element for human life. Water is also fundamental for sustaining a high quality of life and for economic and social development. Human health greatly…
Author: HALİLOĞLU, H. İbrahim BAYIR, Abdulkadir SİRKECİOĞLU, A. Necdet BAYIR, Mehtap ARAS, N. Mevlüt

Level of pistillate flower abscission (PFA) in Turkish walnut cultivars was investigated in this study. Emasculated and bagged female flowers were pollinated with 5%, 50% and 100% pollen concentrations at receptivity. Control flowers left for open …
Author: Gün, Ayse Erdoğan, Veli Akçay, M. Emin Fidanci, Ayse Tosun, İsmail

Bananas have been cultivated economically for a long time in subtropical regions of Turkey where production and productivity per hectare have significantly increased due to the adoption of protected cultivation. Protected cultivation of banana…
Author: Gübbük, Hamide

Until very recently most research relating environmental quality and aquaculture was limited to assessment of environmental conditions necessary for culture. Emphasis was placed on dissolved oxygen requirement of the culture fish or the maximum…
Author: GÜNER, Yusuf TÜRKMEN, Gürel

This article analyzes economy and investment opportunities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) in between 1995 and 2009. FBiH and Turkey have an established cultural, social and diplomatic relations. Historical common bonds are regional realities but…
Author: GÜNDOĞAN, Mete ÇETİNER, B. Gültekin

The aim of the present research is to determine the opinions of prospective mathematics teachers about proving. The research sample of the study is composed of 151 prospective teachers who study in the third (n= 75) and fourth grades (n= 76) in…
Author: GÜLER, Gürsel
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