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  • Tags: PE English

Iako je na Balkanu oduvek prisutan multilingvizam, karakteristika ovog dela evropskog kontinenta je ta da se balkanski narodi nikada nisu u većoj meri zainteresovali da uče i usvajaju jezike svojih neposrednih suseda. Činjenica je da su sve savremene…
Author: Mutavdžić, Predrag

Veći broj hodonima (< gl. hodati) urbanog dijela Brčkog vezan je za antroponime i patronime, a takvi nisu bili predmet analize u uvom radu. U radu smo analizirali nazive samo onih ulica, šetališta, trgova i sl. čija etimologija nije lahko dokučiva.…
Author: Muratović, Admir

In English and in many other European languages, Croatian included, it is quite common to use colour terms as an indicator of different emotions. When we talk about the colour and humans, we actually refer to the colour of their skin, more precisely…
Author: Molnar, Draženka

This text will analyze the semantic and cultural motivation of the terms for i n k in the Slavic languages and their dialects, followed by an etymological analysis of the corresponding terms in other European languages. Namely, the issue of L 2084…
Author: Miteva-Markovic, Keti

This paper aims to explore the possible application of cognitive semantics in the process of Business English idioms teaching and learning. The theoretical assumptions of this study are based on the cognitivist view that idioms are, to a certain…
Author: Milošević, Ivan

As new technologies advance language teachers are gaining more and more new tools to use in their work and to improve, upgrade and expand their teaching methods. Within a TEMPUS project, the Faculty of Philology in Banja Luka recently obtained a…
Author: Milinović, Dejan Jošić-Milinović, Milica

Course book has always been considered the best teaching material used in classroom. But, with time and with advanced development of pedagogical and methodological conscience of students, teaching and classroom discourse, course book just wasn't…
Author: Mihulja, Gordana

In studies of writing, linguistic proficiency has been assumed to play an important factor contributing to writing proficiency (Raimes, 1987; Bereiter & Scardamalia, 1987; Hayes 1996). Additional factors such as “cognitive” processes (i.e. planning…
Author: Mcdonald, Ryan Murtagh, Hannah

Native Arabic speaking students of the Gulf Middle East region are descendants of tribes and nomadic families which may be a possible reason why they are social constructivists when it comes to learning. Most prefer a learning environment in which…
Author: Mathew, Reena
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