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Welcome to the first issue of the Journal of Economic and Social Studies. The beginning of 2011 comes with enthusiasm and great motivation for initiating an academic, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing scholarly work in economics and…
Author: DUMAN, Teoman

Türkiye'nin dünya üzerindeki konumu, köklü tarihi geçmişi ve teknolojik vasıtaların toplumlar arası mesafeyi kısaltmasıyla Türkçe bugün dünyada öğrenilme gereksinimi duyulan dillerden biri haline gelmiştir. Bu bağlamda yabancıların Türkçe öğrenmek…
Author: Arslan, Mustafa

In the Paradise Lost, John Milton tried to explain how evil is seductive. It is one of the reasons why he portrayed Satan with ultra human dimensions in Book I and II. And what makes Satan so heroic is not the particular situation he is in or any…
Author: Gudić, Nedžad

We know very little about William Shakespeare. What we do know for a fact: he is a social phenomena, his name echoes everywhere. He is celebrated as a local poet all over the world. In the history of mankind no writer has enjoyed so much prosperity…
Author: Busatlic, Raisa

In Bosnia, modern university literary courses usually do not even include Romantic women poets into their syllabuses, which is a huge shortcoming for every student interested in gender studies as such. That is why this paper focuses on the Romantic…
Author: Žero, Alma

The national culture as an important essential element propitiouses for an existence nation. This culture gets its source from that national history language, religion , morality, art, traditions, briefly from own esence. Person names(…
Author: ŞENEL, Mustafa

The national culture as an important essential element propitiouses for an existence nation. This culture gets its source from that national history language, religion , morality, art, traditions, briefly from own esence. Person names(…
Author: ŞENEL, Mustafa

Bildiride Turk kùltùrùnù; tùrklerin ulusal ôzelliklerini, ayrıca, dùnyaya bakıĢ açısını, dini gôrùĢlerini, tefekkùr tarzını, psikolojisini, tarihini, inanclarını, ôrf ve adetlerini, mitoloji ve kosmoloji tasavvurlarını, yaĢam koĢullarını yansıtan…
Author: İsayeva, Günel

The presence of the Turks in the geography of Balkans can be track back to the centuries before Ottomans. The actual impact of the Turkish language and culture began with the start of Ottoman conquests. With the Ottoman conquest, there have been…
Author: İYİYOL, Fatih KESMECİ, Ahmet Musab

This paper looks into the nature, some specificities of interlanguage usage and the phonetic adaptation (or the lack of it) in the area of some recent French and German loanwords and their teaching in a Serbian EFL classroom. It is a commonplace to…
Author: Čubrović, Biljana
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