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The contemporary world is complicated and we face many difficult problems that sometimes can turn into conflicts that have to be resolved. As S. L. Dolan (2011) claims, these problems are: environmental pollution, human alienation, unemployment,…
Author: Kriaučiūnienė, Roma

The principal motivation of this study is to investigate how Macedonian learners of English mitigate their disagreement. It is a follow-up of a much broader study in the field of cross-cultural pragmatics focusing on disagreement in Macedonian and…
Author: Kusevska, Marija

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine two leverage ratios using a sample of non-financial companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). It was done by taking into account the joint effect of traditional capital structure determinants and…
Author: MANGAFIĆ, Jasmina MARTINOVIĆ, Danijela

U radu, shodno odredbama Zakona o osnovama socijalne zaštite, zaštite civilnih žrtava rata i zaštite porodice s djecom FBiH, analizirana su odgovarajuća zakonska rješenja o zaštiti porodice s djecom s posebnim osvrtom na mogućnost praktične primjene…
Author: MIKOVIĆ, Borjana

In studies of writing, linguistic proficiency has been assumed to play an important factor contributing to writing proficiency (Raimes, 1987; Bereiter&Scardamalia, 1987; Hayes 1996). Additional factors such as “cognitive” processes (i.e. planning and…
Author: Mcdonald, Ryan Murtagh, Hannah

An issue that until recently has been “irrelevant” for me personally and for many other English teachers, is the issue of reading rate/speed. I presumably believe that most teachers have never thought of this issue because of limited time for…
Author: Miftari, Igballe

Semantic and cultural analysis of the terms for 'ink' in the Slavic languages This text will analyze the semantic and cultural motivation of the terms for ink in the Slavic languages and their dialects, followed by an etymological analysis of the…
Author: Miteva-Markovic, Keti

Learning a language through another language is trivialto any type of language learning, whether it is the learning of a local or a foreign language. South Africa’s language policy for higher education recommends the study of foreign languages (FLs)…
Author: Nkuna, Paul

Teaching English as a foreign language at university level is quite a different challenge compared to teaching high school or young non-native learners. This is due to the fact that university students are expected to acquire specific grammar…
Author: Okičić, Melisa Osmankadić, Merima

Autorka u radu, polazeći od značaja procesnih rešenja za ostvarenje svakog supstancijalnog prava, pa i prava dece na zakonsko izdržavanje, analizira zakonodavna rešenje jednog broja država regiona i iznosi teorijske stavove o specifičnim načelima…
Author: PALAČKOVIĆ, Dušica
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