Dublin Core
Conceptualizing News Literacy
The nascent field of news literacy is often described as a
subset of media literacy. A review of international scholarship with
regard to news literacy conceptualizations confirms that there are
diverse and competing notions of its definition and purpose: while
the civic component of news literacy clearly distinguishes it from
media literacy and other new literacies, there is a noticeable divide
between journalism-driven and media literacy-derived approaches.
Qualitative data analysis was used to identify patterns in a subset of
approximately 120 examples of current English-language
international scholarship. By proposing three preliminary
taxonomic classifications of news literacy – protectionist versus
empowerment; skills versus knowledge; and levels of abstraction –
this conceptual paper provides orientation in the field.
subset of media literacy. A review of international scholarship with
regard to news literacy conceptualizations confirms that there are
diverse and competing notions of its definition and purpose: while
the civic component of news literacy clearly distinguishes it from
media literacy and other new literacies, there is a noticeable divide
between journalism-driven and media literacy-derived approaches.
Qualitative data analysis was used to identify patterns in a subset of
approximately 120 examples of current English-language
international scholarship. By proposing three preliminary
taxonomic classifications of news literacy – protectionist versus
empowerment; skills versus knowledge; and levels of abstraction –
this conceptual paper provides orientation in the field.
iteracy, media
literacy, news literacy,
literacy, news literacy,