Production of Organic Essential Oils from Conifers

Dublin Core


Production of Organic Essential Oils from Conifers


Tanovic, Nezir
Dzubur, Ahmed
Hadziabulic, Semina
Temim, Elma
Leto, Alma
Hadziabulic, Alisa


The aim of this project is dissemination of innovative technologies and knowledge related to the technologies of processing of medicinal and aromatic herbs with the goal of production of essential oils. Production of essential oils in rural areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina is done in the conditions, which are not, at this moment, at the level of sophisticated techniques and technologies. Essential oils are produced partly from widely grown medicinal and aromatic herbs and mostly from plantation-grown herbs. The aspects of processing of medicinal and aromatic herbs into distillates and all the measures, which follow the processing, should go through the transfer of technologies, so we could meet quality requirements as well as the European standards. Therefore, the intention is to certify the products as organic and according to HACCP system. Concerning the distillation of medicinal and aromatic herbs grown in natural population, we want to become a part of sustainable and rational exploitation in the way that we will identify economically important, rare, endangered and protected plants and to take care about the total biodiversity.


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