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Parasitic Diseases of Trout and Their Controls in Sustaınable Development of Aquculture: Crustaceans
Fin fish the primary source of production for humans in many part of world and this is especially true in most developing countries. Aquaculture is one of the increasingly developing industry. But fish diseases have become increasingly visible during the latest decades in connection with the development of aquacultural industries troughout the world. Diseases problem including hazards caused by parasitic organisms are the main threat to further increase of the industry. The salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis is now the main problem in cage-cultured salmon in the marine environment in Scandinavian countries. In recent years however, Argulus spp. have been reported to cause problems in UK stillwater trout fisheries. A survey of such fisheries found 29% of them suffered from problem infections by the parasite in the year 2000. Argulus spp. were perceived to cause economic losses in infected fisheries through a reduction in the number of anglers due to reduced aesthetic appeal and catchability of fish. Lernaea spp. in the eyes of trout cause blindness. The present work aim to the parasitic diseases of freshwater trout, how they are transmitted, which effects they have on trouts, how they could be diagnosed, and how they could be controlled and treated.
Conference or Workshop Item