Wording and Discourse of Conservative Female Columnists

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Wording and Discourse of Conservative Female Columnists


YIGITBASI, Kübra Güran


Key words: Discourse analysis,Female Columnists, rhetorical statements,columnists of styles,Turkish press. ABSTRACT Along with the improvements in new media and communication technologies, the press that finds a place for itself in the definition of traditional media maintains its importance with detailed news analysis and exclusive news. Like other forms of media, the printed media also tries to reach its target audience in various ways. It can do this by bringing up news and also through columnists who establish a close and intimate relationship between the paper and its readers, reflecting the newspaper’s identity. In general, columnists in the Turkish press are the people who comment on and assess recent developments based on their own philosophy of life and their basic references. Through AKP (The Justice and Development Party) that has been in power since 2002, female columnists with conservative and islamic lifestyles have become more visible in the Turkish press, particularly with their different wording and discourses. While the majority of these authors have been writing in conservative newspapers, such as Yeni Şafak and Star, others have chosen secular newspapers, such as Taraf or Haberturk. Sibel Eraslan, Elif Çakır, and Halime Kökçe from Star and Fatma Barbarosoğlu, Hilal Kaplan and Özlem Albayrak from Yeni Şafak can be shown as examples of the first group of writers. On the other hand, Nihal Bengisu Karaca from Habertürk and Hidayet Tuksal from Taraf are the authors of the latter group. In this study, a month-long articles of these authors will be examined in the axis of the "woman" issue. The ways the authors approach the “woman” issue as well as the common and different aspects of their styles and their rhetorical statements will be tried to be revealed. Through a discourse analysis, the statements they make in their writing pieces and the subtle messages and meanings behind their texts will be exposed.




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