Students' Perception of Directed Reading in Relation to Moral Values

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Students' Perception of Directed Reading in Relation to Moral Values




Key words: character building, directed reading, moral value ABSTRACT The demand of character building in educational world should be introduced to learners beginning from early level of education. A moral value, a part of character building, is beneficial in people’s life as they need to communicate and socialize to each other. Having good moral value, people can create good atmosphere in communication and socialization. This study intends to explore students’ perception toward directed reading and moral value and discuss to what extent students could write moral value statements obtained from narrative reading texts through Directed Reading (DR) based on Indonesian context. Directed reading, a fully autonomous learning, refers to an extensive reading assignment given to students individually after their formal reading class. The major use of assigning students to do this activity is simply to enrich or to maintain their moral values from free narrative reading texts. The data were taken from directed reading activities and the questionnaires consisting of 18 close items distributed to 20 forth semester students of English Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Sriwijaya University in the academic year of 2011/2012. Based on the result of five recorded directed reading activities with 96 different topics of narrative reading texts, there were 128 statements or sentences of moral values that the students could obtain. This activity could be the first step for the students to improve and strengthen their moral value stocks. Meanwhile, from basic statistical analysis of the questionnaires the response of the students’ perception regarding both moral value and directed reading was generally positive.




IBU Publishing


