Open House Programs and Registration Process for New Student Enrolments at Schools as Means to Initiate an Effective Educational Process

Dublin Core


Open House Programs and Registration Process for New Student Enrolments at Schools as Means to Initiate an Effective Educational Process


CICEK, Volkan


Key words:superintendent, extracurricular, tutorial, standardized ABSTRACT Open houses, student orientations, student enrolments and registration processes are all events that are organized primarily for new students and their parents that are enrolling for the first time in a school. New student enrolments mostly occur in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and 1st grade levels since either one or more of these grade levels are optional to attend for any given country in today’s world. New enrolments to upper grade levels are also possible especially if transferring from other schools. Chronologically, first, open house event takes place followed by the student orientation and then the registration process, which can all be very strong means to initiate effective communication and understanding between the students, parents and the school, thus contributing to the educational process if planned well and organized and administered carefully. During open houses, an authorized staff member, usually the principal or assistant principal and sometimes superintendent or assistant superintendent representing the educational institution makes a presentation introducing his/her school to the audience. At the end of the presentation, the presenter briefly explains the registration process and the documents that would be needed for enrolment, which are also usually handed out to the audience in the form of a packet along with the registration checklist document. Consequently, in this study, various steps of open house and student enrolment processes are reviewed in detail and comparable examples from U.S. public school system are given in order to find out whether components of such programs may be compatible with other educational systems in the globe, thus an effective educational process can start from the beginning.




IBU Publishing


