ESP in the Academia

Dublin Core


ESP in the Academia


BABIC, Željka


Key words:ESP, vocational English, academia, teaching, syllabi ABSTRACT The role of the English as lingua franca is indubitable, and our academia acknowledged this fact a long time ago. Nowadays it is almost impossible to find any university programme or department which does not have English course(s) in their curricula. Understandably, the particular syllabi have been made according to the specific, usually vocational, needs of each of the programmes or departments. Nevertheless, if a closer look is made into the syllabi of English language departments in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it becomes obvious that very little, if any, attention is paid in teaching English for Specific Purposes. Even though one can see some traces of ESP in the above-mentioned departments, the majority of teaching has still been focused on teaching what can be called “general English”. This presentation will focus on the results of the survey of the present state in teaching of the ESP at the University of Banja Luka, the second largest university in Bosnia and Herzegovina. There has been a need felt that the English departments throughout the country should immediately take some action into introduction of courses in ESP not only in the first cycle studies, but also in the second and the third. There is a need felt in the academia for professionals who will both be experts in the language itself and the specific needs which each branch of the ESP has.




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