The Structure of a Course Book- the Significance and Order of Structural Components of a Coursebook in Foreign (French) Language Teaching and Learning

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The Structure of a Course Book- the Significance and Order of Structural Components of a Coursebook in Foreign (French) Language Teaching and Learning




Key words: teaching methodology, theory of a foreign language (French) coursebook, structural components of a coursebook, general and linguistic competences development, coursebook analysis ABSTRACT This work deals with the assumption that not only are teaching objectives accomplished through mere content of teaching materials, but through all its aspects, as well, where the important role is played by the structure, the way of involving and ordering sections of a coursebook. The discussion of this issue is based on the attitudes of authors interested in the theory of a coursebook on one side, and the analysis of certain French coursebooks, on the other side. The central part of this writing is based on the definition of a coursebook, which implies its structuring, and the definition of a structure, which emphasizes the importance of the appropriate distribution of structural elements. It investigates the importance, function and position of every single component of a coursebook, and offers their analysis which has been carried out in certain French coursebooks using analythic, synthetic, inductive and deductive method. In order to encourage the development of linguistic competences, a couresebook is required to have a preface, contents, lesson introduction, lesson, recapitulation sections and additional sections which need to be carefully and thoroughly designed. More precisely, a coursebook must motivate students through its structure, engage them in intellectual activities and help them think critically, encourage their individual work, develop their ethical and aesthetic values, draw their attention to crosscurricular learning, make them become aware of the system that exists in the materials.




IBU Publishing


