University Students’ Errors in Using Subject Verb Agreement in Writing

Dublin Core


University Students’ Errors in Using Subject Verb Agreement in Writing


AHMED, Ibrahim Ali


This research deals with the English Language students' errors while using subject-verb agreement. The research is carried out to suggest some solutions to the problems that students of second year at the college of Education face in using subject-verb agreement. This research aims at finding out the errors committed by the learners in subject- verb agreement as well as analyzing these errors, and finding out the sources of those errors and taking pedagogical precautions towards them. In addition, the research aims at suggesting some solutions to overcome such problems. The data collected for this research from the answers to the test items answered by students by means of a test consists of thr ee different parts. It contains twenty- one items and each part is composed of various items. The sample for the presents study is the second level students of B. Ed, Dept of English, Faculty of Education, Hajjah University, Yemen, and they were selected randomly, disregarding gender, rank and background of English. The results of this study showed that the learners mostly commit errors because of the intra-lingual errors. They sometimes commit errors because of the overgeneralization, faulty or limited experience. Sometimes they are caused by the interference of the learners ' mother tongue. To overcome those problems of committing errors the rules should be supported with more examples. English teachers should focus on the different types of the subject, including subjects with conjunctions .The rules of subject –verb agreement should be practiced by the learners intensively by means of using different activities such as group work, pair work, role-play, self-study and practice.




IBU Publishing


