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  • Tags: PE English

Rad će se baviti iznalaženjem odgovora dvama pitanjima: dinamikom mogućeg udjela metaforiziranih stihova sevdalinke sa somatskom sastavnicom srce, u kognitivnoj perspektivi, s jedne strane, i pojavnošću odgovarajućih konceptualnih modela, s druge…
Author: Smajlović-Šabić, Indira Nikolić, Marijana

Diachronic study of a language demonstrates how the language changes significantly over a period of time and neologisms are one of the greatest indicators of language transformation. Therefore, the field of neologisms which came to existence in the…
Author: Skenderovic Bakir, Sabina

Native speakers of Croatian often have problems with appropriate usage of English tenses that do not exist in Croatian, frequently associating past forms in English with perfective meanings in Croatian and non-past forms with imperfective meanings…
Author: Skelac, Ines Stanić, Ružica

Public speakers have always had a sense of authority and power upon them, and this area was male area for a long time. Together with different social changes such as Women’s Movement, women became more emancipated, participating in public sphere to a…
Author: Sivrić, Marijana Jurčić, Dijana

Mainly, the paper will show how a Christian virtue of mercy is perverted. The play The Merchant of Venice is a criticism of the hypocritical betrayal of Christianity’s original concepts. The original ideas have been betrayed. What used to be a…
Author: Simović, Zlata

In this paper it will be argued that strategic competences (Bachman, 1990) can be explicitly taught and that it is also important that it is taught. Pupils will not acquire it naturally, at least not as effectively as they will learn it by means of…
Author: Selin, Per

The study focuses on the issue of designing a syllabus for English for specific purposes courses and shares the view that according to the nature of such courses, their content should be based on a thorough investigation of the learners’ needs. The…
Author: Saliu, Basri

Teaching translation is a widespread problem of nowadays schools and education system. Teaching a foreign language mainly focuses on acquiring new vocabulary and it is desirable for students to reach the point where they could freely communicate in a…
Author: SULJKANOVIC, Dženita

One of the main themes in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is business of marriage. During and 19th century women were not financially independent and had no right to own property. Therefore the only choice left for them was to settle with a man of…
Author: STRIKA, Mersima

This paper focuses on the topic regarding the process of language standardization. The standardization process is an important field of sociolinguistics and it is highly researched due to the different factors affecting standard language of a…
Author: SREBRENICA, Mihra Akbarov, Azamat
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