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  • Tags: L Education (General)

Toplumlar da fert fert insanlar gibi ortaya çıkışlarını, hayat maceralarını, var oluş mücadelelerini, eşik dönemlerini, mutluluklarını, parlak sayfalarını bir sonraki nesle aktarma ihtiyacı içindedir. Tarih’in henüz bir bilim olma iddiasına…
Author: CEYHAN, Nesîme

Osmanlı hâkimiyetinde iken huzur içinde yaşamalarına rağmen Sırp, Bulgar, Rum, Arnavut ve Karadağlılar, milliyetçilik akımının yayılması ve bazı büyük devletlerin kışkırtmasıyla farklı zamanlarda Osmanlı’ya karşı ayaklanırlar, savaş açarlar. Bu…

Yabancı dil edinimi son yıllarda sıkça tartışılan bir konu olmuştur. Toplum olarak yabancı dil öğrenimine yönelik ön yargılarımızın olduğu bir gerçektir. Bu ön yargılardan kurtulma adına neler yapılabilir? Bir yabancı dil en sağlıklı biçimde nasıl…
Author: Arslan, Mustafa

Bosna-Herzegovina, one of the Balkan countries in southeastern Europe, has declared its independence following the partition of Yugoslavia Federation. Historical and cultural ties between Bosnia-Herzegovina and Turkey are actually very strong. In…
Author: Alım, Mete Doğanay, Serkan Parlak, Erdinç

Education and the existence of an educational system are compulsory elements of every modern society. The problems of making a unique and a defined educational system, a clear and an identifiable educational policy but also the problems of…
Author: Alic, Amel

While we need to problematize the notions of development and sustainable development, we are also faced by a particular challenge related to language: what models of language in the world are we using to understand the role of language education in…
Author: Akbarov, Azamat Anvarovich

Related literature indicates that teachers and tests are strong sources of test anxiety among adult language learners while there exists a serious lack of research on the relationship between teachers and test anxiety in terms of young learners.…
Author: AYDIN, Selami Karakuzu, Melih ELKILIÇ, Gencer

Related literature indicates that teachers and tests are strong sources of test anxiety among adult language learners while there exists a serious lack of research on the relationship between teachers and test anxiety in terms of young…
Author: AYDIN, Selami Karakuzu, Melih ELKILIÇ, Gencer

stract: The recent advances in Information and Communication Technologies affected education industry as well as other industries all over the world. Over the past decade, higher education institutions have been increasingly utilizing e-learning…
Author: ASILKAN, Özcan ERSOY, Ahmed Fatih

The main power behind the development of a country can be considered as EDUCATION. Today, due to rapid industrialization, professional and technical education is regarded as locomotive in raising staff to industry equipped with necessary…
Author: APAY, Ahmet YUKSEL, Ibrahim
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