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  • Tags: K Law (General)

Policija se osim povećane skale upotrebe vatrenog oružja, sile i otpora u rutinskim policijskim aktivnostima u djelovanju sa bandama, drogom, nasiljem, neredima i vandalizmom susreće i povremeno sa terorizmom, urbanom gerilom i oružanom pobunom.…
Author: DURAKOVIĆ, Adnan

Donošenjem Okvirne odluke Vijeća Europske unije (2002/584/PUP) od 13. lipnja 2002. godine o europskom uhidbenom nalogu i postupcima predaje između država članica Europske unije promijenjen je dotadašnji način izručenja između država članica Europske…
Author: PRIMORAC, Damir KRMEK, Mato PILIĆ, Marko

Review of the Book
Author: Smailagić, Nedžad

Summary: Peacekeeping missions represent an important and significant part in the United Nations (UN) security system. Although this peacekeeping missions (PKM) aim to protect human rights, maintain security and peace, within this operations…
Author: Muharemović, Mahir

Abstract: The court settlement is one way of resolving civil disputes. Regulated by the provisions of the applicable Code of Civil Procedure Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but is not sufficiently applicable . The court settlement is…
Author: Bešić, Asmira

The article attempts to scrutinize a part of a larger analysis in relation to the practical and theoretical aspects of the EU education policy and its contribution to the EU integration process, in the context of promoting free movement of labor and…
Author: HASIĆ, Jasmin

Summary: The exercise of fundamental market freedoms in the European Union includes the freedom of movement of persons in order to attain the right to health care. A part of the possibility to access health services in the Member States where they…
Author: Čolaković, Maja Bevanda, Marko

Abstract: In the area of European contract law legal area most affected by the process of harmonization, and consequently the process of revision is the area of consumer protection. Because in the last few decades most intense legislative activity…
Author: Petrović, Anita

Tranziciona pravda je termin koji označava različite načine postupanja prema prošlim kršenjima ljudskih prava u društvima u tranziciji, a koji dovode do postkonfliktnog pomirenja u društvu. Ne podrazumijeva samo suđenja osobama koje su prekršile…
Author: ŠKRBIĆ, Ajla

Ovim radom se želi ukazati na nastojanja da se prostoru i okruženju gdje živimo posveti dužna pažnja, jer u zavisnosti od našeg odnosa prema okolišu, je i odnos okoliša prema nama. Velike klimatske promjene, poplave, suše, požari, epidemije, svaki…
Author: POROBIĆ, Miralem AVDAGIĆ, Ajla
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